module Config: Sundials_Config
Installation specific constants.
val version : int * int * int * int
The major
, minor
, patch
, and binding
version numbers of
The first three elements correspond to the maximum supported version
of the underlying Sundials/C library.
The binding
number distinguishes updates to the binding (restarting
from 0 for each increment of the other elements).
val sundials_version : int * int * int
The major
, minor
, and patch
version numbers of the underlying
Sundials/C library. The OCaml interface may have been built against
an older version of the Sundials/C library
val lapack_enabled : bool
Indicates whether the interface was compiled with BLAS/LAPACK support.
val monitoring_enabled : bool
Indicates whether the underlying library was built with support for monitoring functions.
val mpi_enabled : bool
Indicates whether the parallel nvectors and linear solvers are available.
val klu_enabled : bool
Indicates whether the KLU sparse linear solver is available.
val superlumt_enabled : bool
Indicates whether the SuperLU_MT sparse linear solver is available.
val nvecpthreads_enabled : bool
Indicates whether pthreads-based nvectors are available.
val nvecopenmp_enabled : bool
Indicates whether openmp-based nvectors are available.
val big_real : float
The largest value representable as a real.
val small_real : float
The smallest value representable as a real.
val unit_roundoff : float
The difference bewteen 1.0 and the minimum real greater than 1.0.
exception NotImplementedBySundialsVersion
Raised for features that are not available in the installed version of
the underlying sundials library. See Sundials_Config.sundials_version