module Any:sig
A generic nvector interface to custom nvectors.
Create custom nvectors using the generic nvector interface where the
payload is wrapped with a constructor from Nvector.gdata
val convert_ops : inject:('d -> Nvector.gdata) ->
project:(Nvector.gdata -> 'd) ->
'd Nvector_custom.nvector_ops -> Nvector.gdata Nvector_custom.nvector_ops
Adapt a set of nvector operations so that they work with a payload of
type Nvector.gdata
. It is better to manually implement the fused and
array operations to avoid the creation of intermediate arrays.
The project
function should raise Nvector.BadGenericType
if applied
to the wrong constructor.
val make_wrap : Nvector.gdata Nvector_custom.nvector_ops ->
inject:('d -> Nvector.gdata) ->
?context:Sundials.Context.t ->
?with_fused_ops:bool ->
?with_linear_combination:bool ->
?with_scale_add_multi:bool ->
?with_dot_prod_multi:bool ->
?with_linear_sum_vector_array:bool ->
?with_scale_vector_array:bool ->
?with_const_vector_array:bool ->
?with_wrms_norm_vector_array:bool ->
?with_wrms_norm_mask_vector_array:bool ->
?with_scale_add_multi_vector_array:bool ->
?with_linear_combination_vector_array:bool -> 'd -> Nvector.any
Instantiation of custom nvectors.
make_wrap ops
takes set a set of operations on the data
type Nvector.gdata
and yields a function for lifting values of
type Nvector.gdata
into generic nvectors which can be passed to
a solver.
The optional arguments permit to enable fused and array operations for a given nvector (they are disabled by default).
Fused and array operations not available.