Module Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens

module Sens: sig .. end

Support for nonlinear solvers with sensitivities.

val setup : ('d, 'k, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t ->
y:('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t -> 's -> unit

Setup a nonlinear solver for sensitivities with an initial iteration value. See Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens.setup.

val solve : ('d, 'k, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t ->
y0:('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t ->
ycor:('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t ->
w:('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t ->
float -> bool -> 's -> unit

Solves a nonlinear system with sensitivities. See Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens.solve.

val set_sys_fn : ('d, 'k, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t ->
(('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t, 's)
Sundials_NonlinearSolver.sysfn -> unit

Specify a system function callback with sensitivities.

val set_lsolve_fn : ('d, 'k, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t ->
(('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t, 's)
Sundials_NonlinearSolver.lsolvefn -> unit

Specify a linear solver callback with sensitivities. See Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens.set_lsolve_fn.

val assert_not_oconvtestfn : ('nv1, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.convtestfn ->
('nv2, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.convtestfn

Ignore the nvector type argument in a convtestfn.

val set_convtest_fn : ('d, 'k, 's, [ `Sens ]) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.t ->
(('d, 'k) Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper.t, 's, [ `Sens ])
Sundials_NonlinearSolver.convtestfn -> unit

Specify a convergence test callback for the nonlinear solver iteration when using sensitivities. See Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens.set_convtest_fn.