Module type Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR

module type ARRAY_NVECTOR = sig .. end

An abstract set of functions for working manipulating nvectors where the underlying data structure is an array of floats.

type data 

Type of the underlying array.

type kind = Nvector_custom.kind 

Array nvectors are custom nvectors.

type t = data Nvector_custom.t 

An alias for the nvector type.

val array_nvec_ops : data Nvector_custom.nvector_ops

The set of nvector operations on an array.

val make : ?context:Sundials.Context.t -> int -> float -> t

make n x creates an nvector containing an array of n elements, each of which is equal to x.

val wrap : ?context:Sundials.Context.t ->
?with_fused_ops:bool ->
data -> t

Lifts an array to an nvector.

val unwrap : t -> data

Returns the array underlying an nvector.

val enable : ?with_fused_ops:bool ->
?with_linear_combination:bool ->
?with_scale_add_multi:bool ->
?with_dot_prod_multi:bool ->
?with_linear_sum_vector_array:bool ->
?with_scale_vector_array:bool ->
?with_const_vector_array:bool ->
?with_wrms_norm_vector_array:bool ->
?with_wrms_norm_mask_vector_array:bool ->
?with_scale_add_multi_vector_array:bool ->
?with_linear_combination_vector_array:bool ->
t -> unit

Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. The with_fused_ops argument enables or disables all such operations.

module Any: sig .. end

A generic nvector interface to arbitrary array types.

module Ops: Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS  with type t = t

Standard operations over array nvectors.

module DataOps: Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS  with type t = data

Standard operations over the underlying array.