Index of types

adaptivity_args [Arkode.Common]

Arguments for Arkode.Common.adaptivity_fns.

adaptivity_fn [Arkode.Common]

A function implementing a time step adaptivity algorithm that chooses an $h$ that satisfies the error tolerances.

adaptivity_method [Arkode.Common]

Asymptotic error control algorithms.

adaptivity_params [Arkode.Common]

Parameters for the standard adaptivity algorithms.

any [Nvector]

The type of a generic nvector.

ark_table [Arkode.ButcherTable]

Additive Butcher tables

arkstep [Arkode]

Type argument representing the ARKStep time-stepping module.

arrayband [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic matrix with array-based band content.

arraydense [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic matrix with array-based dense content.

atimesfn [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom]

A function atimesfn v z computes the action of the system matrix on the vector v, storing the result in z.

atimesfn [Sundials_LinearSolver]

A function atimesfn v z computes the action of the system matrix on the vector v, storing the result in z.

band [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic matrix with Band content.

bandrange [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded]

The range of nonzero entries in a band matrix.

bandrange [Arkode.Spils.Banded]

The range of nonzero entries in a band matrix.

bandrange [Cvode.Spils.Banded]

The range of nonzero entries in a band matrix.

bandwidths [Idas_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bandwidths [Ida_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bandwidths [Cvodes_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bandwidths [Cvode_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bandwidths [Arkode_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bandwidths [Kinsol_bbd]

The bandwidths for the difference quotient Jacobian operation.

bquadrhsfn [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature]

These functions compute the quadrature equation right-hand side for the backward problem.

bquadrhsfn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature]

These functions compute the quadrature equation right-hand side for the backward problem.

bquadrhsfn_args [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature]
bquadrhsfn_args [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature]
bquadrhsfn_no_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Functions defining backward quadrature variables without forward sensitivities.

bquadrhsfn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Functions defining backward quadrature variables without forward sensitivities.

bquadrhsfn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Functions defining backward quadrature variables that depend on forward sensitivities.

bquadrhsfn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Functions defining backward quadrature variables with forward sensitivities.

bresfn [Idas.Adjoint]

Functions that evaluate the right-hand side of a backward DAE system with or without forward sensitivities.

bresfn_args [Idas.Adjoint]

Arguments for backward functions.

bresfn_no_sens [Idas.Adjoint]

Backward functions without forward sensitivities.

bresfn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint]

Backward functions with forward sensitivities.

brhsfn [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Functions that evaluate the right-hand side of a backward ODE system with or without forward sensitivities.

brhsfn_args [Cvodes.Adjoint]
brhsfn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Backward functions without forward sensitivities.

brhsfn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Backward functions with forward sensitivities.

bsession [Idas.Adjoint]

A backward session with the IDAS solver.

bsession [Cvodes.Adjoint]

A backward session with the CVODES solver.

cfun [Sundials]

A callback function into the underlying library.

comm_fn [Idas_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Idas_bbd.local_fn.

comm_fn [Ida_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Ida_bbd.local_fn.

comm_fn [Cvodes_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Cvodes_bbd.local_fn.

comm_fn [Cvode_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Cvode_bbd.local_fn.

comm_fn [Arkode_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Arkode_bbd.local_fn.

comm_fn [Kinsol_bbd]

Functions that perform the interprocess communication necessary for the execution of Kinsol_bbd.local_fn.

communicator [Nvector_custom]

Represents an MPI communicator without introducing any unwanted dependencies on MPI.

convtest [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

Values returned by convergence tests.

convtest_callback [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A convergence test callback provided by an integrator.

convtest_callback_sens [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A convergence test callback provided by an integrator with sensitivities.

convtestfn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A convergence test provided either by an integrator or a user program.

convtestfn' [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A function providing a convergence test.

coupling_table [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling]

Available coupling tables.

csc [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse]

Compressed-sparse-column format.

csr [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse]

Compressed-sparse-row format.

custom [Sundials_Matrix]

Distinguishes a user-supplied matrix from a standard one.

d [Sundials.RootDirs]

Values indicating which types of roots are sought.

data [Nvector_pthreads]

Pthreads nvectors are based on bigarrays of floats.

data [Nvector_openmp]

OpenMP nvectors are based on bigarrays of floats.

data [Nvector_mpiplusx]

The data in underlying nvectors is exposed as an array of wrapped values together with an MPI communicator.

data [Nvector_mpimany]

The data in underlying nvectors is exposed as an array of wrapped values together with an MPI communicator and the sum of their lengths.

data [Nvector_parallel]

Parallel nvectors carry triples of a local bigarray of floats, a global length, and an MPI communicator.

data [Nvector_array.ArrayOps]

The type of an array to be wrapped as an Nvector.t.

data [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR]

Type of the underlying array.

data [Nvector_many]

The data in underlying nvectors is exposed as an array of wrapped values paired with the sum of their lengths.

data [Nvector_serial]

Serial nvectors are based on bigarrays of floats.

data [Nvector.NVECTOR]

The data wrapped within an nvector.

data [Sundials_RealArray2]

An alias for two-dimensional Bigarrays of floating-point numbers.

dense [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic matrix with Dense content.

dimensions [Sundials_Matrix.Band]

Band matrix dimensions.

dirk_table [Arkode.ButcherTable]

Implicit Butcher tables

dls_ops [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom]

The operations required to implement a direct linear solver.

double [Ida]

Workspaces with two temporary vectors.

double [Kinsol]

Workspaces with two temporary vectors.

double [Cvode]

Workspaces with two temporary vectors.

dq_method [Idas.Sensitivity]

A difference quotient strategy.

dq_method [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

A difference quotient strategy.

erk_table [Arkode.ButcherTable]

Explicit Butcher tables

erkstep [Arkode]

Type argument representing the ERKStep time-stepping module.

error_details [Sundials.Util]

Information passed to registered error handler functions.

error_weight_fun [Arkode.Common]

Functions that set the multiplicative error weights for use in the weighted RMS norm.

error_weight_fun [Ida]

Functions that set the multiplicative error weights for use in the weighted RMS norm.

error_weight_fun [Cvode]

Functions that set the multiplicative error weights for use in the weighted RMS norm.

eta_choice [Kinsol]

The eta parameter in the stopping criteria for the linear system solver.

eta_params [Kinsol]

The parameters gamma and alpha in the formula for the Eisenstat and Walker Choice 2 for eta.

evolvefn [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

The function efn t0 tout v advances the state vector v for the inner (fast) ODE system from time t0 to time tout.

forcing_data [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

The data necessary to computer the forcing term.

full_rhsfn [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

The function rhsfn t v f m updates f with the value of the full right-hand-side function of the inner (fast) ODE at time t and for dependent variable values v.

fullrhs_mode [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

A flag indicating why the full RHS function has been called.

gdata [Nvector]

Represents generic nvector data.

gkind [Nvector]

Represents an nvector whose data must be accessed through a constructor in Nvector.gdata.

gramschmidt_type [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative]

The type of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization in iterative linear solvers.

id [Sundials_Matrix]

Matrix internal type identifiers.

index_array [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse]

Array of row or column indices

index_elt [Sundials_Index]

Type of indexes into sparse matrices.

integrator_stats [Ida]

Summaries of integrator statistics.

integrator_stats [Cvode]

Summaries of integrator statistics.

interpolant_type [Arkode.Common]

Used to specify the nterpolation method used for output values and implicit method predictors.

interpolation [Idas.Adjoint]

Specifies the type of interpolation to use between checkpoints.

interpolation [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Specifies the type of interpolation to use between checkpoints.

jac_fn [Idas.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn [Arkode.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn [Ida.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn [Kinsol.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn [Cvode.Dls]

Callback functions that compute approximations to a Jacobian matrix.

jac_fn_no_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix without forward sensitivities.

jac_fn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix without forward sensitivities.

jac_fn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix with forward sensitivities.

jac_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Callback functions that compute dense approximations to a Jacobian matrix with forward sensitivities.

jac_times_setup_fn [Arkode.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn [Ida.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn [Cvode.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn_no_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_setup_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the jac_times_vec_fn.

jac_times_vec_fn [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn [Arkode.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn [Ida.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn [Kinsol.Spils]

Callback functions that compute (an approximation to) the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn [Cvode.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector.

jac_times_vec_fn_no_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector without forward sensitivities.

jac_times_vec_fn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector without forward sensitivities.

jac_times_vec_fn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector with forward sensitivities.

jac_times_vec_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the Jacobian times a vector with forward sensitivities.

jacobian_arg [Idas.Adjoint]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

jacobian_arg [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

jacobian_arg [Arkode.Common]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

jacobian_arg [Ida]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

jacobian_arg [Kinsol]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

jacobian_arg [Cvode]

Arguments common to Jacobian callback functions.

kind [Nvector_pthreads]

Represents the internal layout of a Pthreads nvector.

kind [Nvector_openmp]

Represents the internal layout of an OpenMP nvector.

kind [Nvector_mpiplusx]

Represents the internal layout of an mpiplusx nvector.

kind [Nvector_mpimany]

Represents the internal layout of an mpimany-vector nvector.

kind [Nvector_parallel]

Represents the internal layout of a parallel nvector.

kind [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR]

Array nvectors are custom nvectors.

kind [Nvector_custom]

Represents an nvector manipulated by operations written in OCaml.

kind [Nvector_many]

Represents the internal layout of a many-vector nvector.

kind [Nvector_serial]

Represents any nvector that can be treated as a serial nvector.

kind [Nvector.NVECTOR]

Classifies the internal structure of an nvector.

linear_solver [Idas.Adjoint]

Linear solvers used in backward problems.

linear_solver [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Linear solvers used in backward problems.

linear_solver [Arkode.MRIStep]

Linear solvers used by MRIStep.

linear_solver [Arkode.ARKStep]

Linear solvers used by ARKStep.

linear_solver [Ida]

Linear solvers used by Ida.

linear_solver [Kinsol]

Linear solvers used by Kinsol.

linear_solver [Cvode]

Linear solvers used by Cvode.

linear_solver_id [Sundials_LinearSolver]

The identifier of a linear solver.

linear_solver_stats [Cvode]

Summaries of linear solver statistics.

linear_solver_type [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Broadly classifies the operations provided by a linear solver and its operating principle.

linearity [Arkode.Common]

The linearity of the implicit portion of the problem.

linsys_fn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Function to compute the linear system matrix $M_B = I - \gamma_B J_B$ or an approximation of it for the backward problem.

linsys_fn [Arkode.Dls]

Function to compute the linear system matrix $A = M - \gamma J$ or an approximation of it.

linsys_fn [Cvode.Dls]

Function to compute the linear system matrix $M = I - \gamma J$ or an approximation of it.

linsys_fn_no_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Function to compute the linear system matrix or an approximation to it without forward sensitivities.

linsys_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls]

Function to compute the linear system matrix or an approximation to it with forward sensitivities.

lmm [Cvode]

Choice of linear multistep method.

local_fn [Idas_bbd]

Functions that approximate backward residual functions using local computations only.

local_fn [Ida_bbd]

Approximates the right-hand side function using local computations only.

local_fn [Cvodes_bbd]

Functions that approximate backward right-hand side functions using local computations only.

local_fn [Cvode_bbd]

Approximates the right-hand side function using local computations only.

local_fn [Arkode_bbd]

Approximates the right-hand side function using local computations only.

local_fn [Kinsol_bbd]

Approximates the system function using local computations only.

lsetupfn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A function to setup linear solves.

lsolvefn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A function to solve linear systems.

mass_fn [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls]

Functions that compute a mass matrix (or an approximation of one).

mass_times_setup_fn [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by the mass_times_vec_fn.

mass_times_vec_fn [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Callback functions that compute the mass matrix times a vector.

matrix_ops [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic operations that all matrix types must implement.

ml [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand]


mristep [Arkode]

Type argument representing the MRIStep time-stepping module.

mu [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand]


nonlin_system_data [Idas.Sensitivity]

Internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver.

nonlin_system_data [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver.

nonlin_system_data [Arkode.Common]

Internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver.

nonlin_system_data [Ida]

Internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver.

nonlin_system_data [Cvode]

Internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver.

nonlinear_solver_type [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

The problem specification expected by a nonlinear solver.

nvector [Nvector]

An alias for Nvector.t.

nvector_id [Nvector]

Vector type identifiers.

nvector_ops [Nvector_custom]

The set of operations required to define an nvector.

ops [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom]

The operations required to implement an iterative linear solver.

ordering [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Superlumt]

The ordering algorithm used for reducing fill.

ordering [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Klu]

The ordering algorithm used for reducing fill.

orthaa [Kinsol]

Orthogonalization routines of the QR factorization portion of Anderson acceleration.

parallel_bsession [Idas_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_bsession [Cvodes_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Idas_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Ida_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Cvodes_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Cvode_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Arkode_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_preconditioner [Kinsol_bbd]

Alias for preconditioners based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_session [Ida_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_session [Cvode_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_session [Arkode_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

parallel_session [Kinsol_bbd]

Alias for sessions based on parallel nvectors.

post_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep]

A function to be called after each inner integration.

postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.Common]

A function to process the results of each timestep solution.

pre_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep]

A function to be called before each inner integration.

prec_setup_fn [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data need by Idas.Adjoint.Spils.prec_solve_fn without forward sensitivities.

prec_setup_fn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.prec_solve_fn without forward sensitivities.

prec_setup_fn [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate mass matrix-related data needed by Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils.prec_solve_fn.

prec_setup_fn [Arkode.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by Arkode.Spils.prec_solve_fn.

prec_setup_fn [Ida.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data need by Ida.Spils.prec_solve_fn.

prec_setup_fn [Kinsol.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data need by Kinsol.Spils.prec_solve_fn.

prec_setup_fn [Cvode.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by Cvode.Spils.prec_solve_fn.

prec_setup_fn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data need by Idas.Adjoint.Spils.prec_solve_fn with forward sensitivities.

prec_setup_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that preprocess or evaluate Jacobian-related data needed by Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.prec_solve_fn with forward sensitivities.

prec_solve_arg [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Arguments passed to the preconditioner solver function.

prec_solve_arg [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Arguments passed to the mass matrix preconditioner solver function.

prec_solve_arg [Arkode.Spils]

Arguments passed to the preconditioner solver function.

prec_solve_arg [Cvode.Spils]

Arguments passed to the preconditioner solver function.

prec_solve_fn [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix without forward sensitivities.

prec_solve_fn [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix without forward sensitivities.

prec_solve_fn [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear mass matrix system involving a preconditioner matrix.

prec_solve_fn [Arkode.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix.

prec_solve_fn [Ida.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix.

prec_solve_fn [Kinsol.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix.

prec_solve_fn [Cvode.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix.

prec_solve_fn_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix with forward sensitivities.

prec_solve_fn_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Callback functions that solve a linear system involving a preconditioner matrix with forward sensitivities.

preconditioner [Idas.Adjoint.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner and its callback functions.

preconditioner [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner, including the type of preconditioning (none, left, right, or both) and callback functions.

preconditioner [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner, including the type of preconditioning (none, left, right, or both) and callback functions.

preconditioner [Arkode.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner, including the type of preconditioning (none, left, right, or both) and callback functions.

preconditioner [Ida.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner and its callback functions.

preconditioner [Kinsol.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner, including the type of preconditioning (none or right) and callback functions.

preconditioner [Cvode.Spils]

Specifies a preconditioner, including the type of preconditioning (none, left, right, or both) and callback functions.

preconditioning_type [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative]

The type of preconditioning in Krylov solvers.

predictor_method [Arkode.Common]

Method choices for predicting implicit solutions.

print_level [Kinsol]

Increasing levels of verbosity for informational messages.

problem [Arkode.MRIStep]

The form of the initial value problem.

problem [Arkode.ARKStep]

The form of the initial value problem.

proj_fn [Cvode]

A function to compute the projection of the solution and, if enabled, the error on the constraint manifold.

psetupfn [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom]

Functions that set up any problem data in preparation for calls to psolvefn.

psetupfn [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Functions that set up any problem data in preparation for calls to psolvefn.

psolvefn [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom]

A function psolvefn r z tol lr that solves the preconditioner equation $Pz = r$ for the vector z such that $\left\lVert Pz - r \right\rVert_\mathrm{wrms} < \mathit{tol}$ .

psolvefn [Sundials_LinearSolver]

A function psolvefn r z tol lr that solves the preconditioner equation $Pz = r$ for the vector z such that $\left\lVert Pz - r \right\rVert_\mathrm{wrms} < \mathit{tol}$ .

quadrhsfn [Idas.Quadrature]

Functions defining quadrature variables.

quadrhsfn [Cvodes.Quadrature]

Functions defining quadrature variables.

quadsensrhsfn [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Functions defining quadrature sensitivities.

quadsensrhsfn [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Functions defining quadrature sensitivities.

quadsensrhsfn_args [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]
quadsensrhsfn_args [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]
r [Sundials.Roots]

Values indicating the status of root functions.

res_tolerance [Arkode.ARKStep]

Tolerance specification for calculations on mass matrix residuals.

res_weight_fun [Arkode.ARKStep]

Functions that compute the weighted RMS residual weights.

resetfn [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

The function rfn tR vR rests the inner (fast) stepper state to time tR and dependent variable values vR.

resfn [Ida]

Residual functions that define a DAE problem.

resize_fn [Arkode.Common]

Called to resize a vector to match the dimensions of another.

result [Kinsol]

Results of nonlinear solution attempts.

rhsfn [Arkode.Common]

Right-hand side functions for calculating ODE derivatives.

rhsfn [Cvode]

Right-hand side functions for calculating ODE derivatives.

rootsfn [Arkode.Common]

Called by the solver to calculate the values of root functions.

rootsfn [Ida]

Called by the solver to calculate the values of root functions.

rootsfn [Cvode]

Called by the solver to calculate the values of root functions.

sens_method [Idas.Sensitivity]

Specifies a sensitivity solution method.

sens_method [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Specifies a sensitivity solution method.

sens_params [Idas.Sensitivity]

Specifies problem parameter information for sensitivity calculations.

sens_params [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Specifies problem parameter information for sensitivity calculations.

sensitivity_stats [Idas.Sensitivity]

Summaries of sensitivity stats.

sensitivity_stats [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Summaries of sensitivity stats.

sensresfn [Idas.Sensitivity]

Sensitivity functions that calculate the residuals of all sensitivity equations.

sensresfn_args [Idas.Sensitivity]
sensrhsfn [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Specify a sensitivity function.

sensrhsfn1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Sensitivity functions that calculate the right-hand side of a single sensitivity equation.

sensrhsfn_all [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Sensitivity functions that calculate the right-hand sides of all sensitivity equations.

sensrhsfn_args [Cvodes.Sensitivity]
serial [Nvector]

The type of any nvector that can be used as a serial nvector.

serial_bsession [Idas.Adjoint]

Alias for backward sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_bsession [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Alias for backward sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Idas.Adjoint]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Arkode.MRIStep]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Arkode.ARKStep]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Ida]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Kinsol]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_linear_solver [Cvode]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_session [Arkode.MRIStep]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_session [Arkode.ARKStep]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_session [Arkode.Spils.Banded]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_session [Ida]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_session [Kinsol]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_session [Cvode]

Alias for sessions based on serial nvectors.

serial_solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass]

Alias for mass matrix solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

serial_t [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Alias for linear solvers that are restricted to serial nvectors.

session [Idas]

Alias for Ida sessions.

session [Cvodes]

Alias for Cvode sessions.

session [Arkode.MRIStep]

A session with the MRIStep time-stepping solver.

session [Arkode.ERKStep]

A session with the ERKStep time-stepping solver.

session [Arkode.ARKStep]

A session with the ARKStep time-stepping solver.

session [Ida]

A session with the IDA solver.

session [Kinsol]

A session with the KINSOL solver.

session [Cvode]

A session with the CVODE solver.

sformat [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse]

Matrix storage formats.

smu [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand]

Storage upper-bandwidth.

solve_arg [Kinsol.Spils]

Arguments passed to the preconditioner solver function.

solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass]

Mass matrix solvers used by Arkode.

solver_result [Arkode.Common]

Values returned by the step functions.

solver_result [Ida]

Values returned by the step functions.

solver_result [Cvode]

Values returned by the step functions.

sparse [Sundials_Matrix]

Generic matrix with Sparse content.

stability_fn [Arkode.Common]

A function that predicts the maximum stable step size for the explicit portions of an ImEx ODE system.

stage_predict_fn [Arkode.MRIStep]

A function to be called after the predictor algorithm to update the predictor.

stage_predict_fn [Arkode.ARKStep]

A function to be called after the predictor algorithm to update the predictor.

standard [Sundials_Matrix]

Distinguishes a library-supplied matrix from a custom one.

step_stats [Arkode.Common]

Summaries of integrator statistics.

strategy [Kinsol]

Strategy used to solve the nonlinear system.

sysfn [Kinsol]

System function that defines nonlinear problem.

sysfn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A function sysfn y fg mem to evaluate the nonlinear system $F(y)$ (for RootFind) or $G(y)$ (for FixedPoint).

t [Nvector_pthreads]

The type of Pthreads nvectors.

t [Nvector_openmp]

The type of OpenMP nvectors.

t [Nvector_mpiplusx]

The type of mpiplusx nvectors.

t [Nvector_mpimany]

The type of mpimany-vector nvectors.

t [Nvector_parallel]

The type of parallel nvectors.

t [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling]

Represents a set of coupling coefficients.

t [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper]

Inner steppers are used to solve the auxiliary initial value problem of an MRIStep integrator's fast time-scale.

t [Arkode.ButcherTable]

A butcher table.

t [Ida.VarId]

For pattern-matching on constraints.

t [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR]

An alias for the nvector type.

t [Nvector_custom]

The type scheme of custom nvectors.

t [Nvector_many]

The type of many-vector nvectors.

t [Nvector_serial]

The type of serial nvectors.

t [Nvector.NVECTOR]

An alias for the nvector type.

t [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS]

The vector type.

t [Nvector]

Represents an nvector of kind 'kind with underlying data of type 'data.

t [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper]

A senswrapper is an Nvector.nvector of Nvector.nvectors that cannot be created or manipulated from OCaml.

t [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

A generic nonlinear solver.

t [Sundials_LinearSolver]

A linear solver.

t [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand]

A band matrix accessible directly through a Bigarray.

t [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense]

A dense matrix accessible directly through a Bigarray.

t [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse]

A sparse matrix.

t [Sundials_Matrix.Band]

A band matrix.

t [Sundials_Matrix.Dense]

A dense matrix.

t [Sundials_Matrix]

A generic matrix with a payload of type 'm.

t [Sundials.Constraint]

For pattern-matching on constraints.

t [Sundials.RootDirs]

Arrays that communicate which zero-crossings are sought.

t [Sundials.Roots]

Arrays that communicate the occurrence of zero-crossings.

t [Sundials.Context]

A context required to create Sundials values.

t [Sundials.Profiler]

A Sundials profiler.

t [Sundials.Logfile]

An open log file.

t [Sundials_ROArray]

An immutable array.

t [Sundials_LintArray]

A Bigarray of integers.

t [Sundials_RealArray2]

A two-dimensional matrix.

t [Sundials_RealArray]

A Bigarray of floats.

timestepper_stats [Arkode.ERKStep]

Summaries of time-stepper statistics.

timestepper_stats [Arkode.ARKStep]

Summaries of time-stepper statistics.

tolerance [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating backward quadrature variables.

tolerance [Idas.Adjoint]

Tolerance specifications.

tolerance [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating quadrature sensitivities.

tolerance [Idas.Sensitivity]

Tolerances for calculating sensitivities.

tolerance [Idas.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating quadrature variables.

tolerance [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating backward quadrature variables.

tolerance [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Tolerance specifications.

tolerance [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating quadrature sensitivities.

tolerance [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Tolerances for calculating sensitivities.

tolerance [Cvodes.Quadrature]

Tolerances for calculating quadrature variables.

tolerance [Arkode.Common]

Tolerance specifications.

tolerance [Ida]

Tolerance specifications.

tolerance [Cvode]

Tolerance specifications.

triple [Idas.Adjoint]

Workspaces with three temporary vectors.

triple [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Workspaces with three temporary vectors.

triple [Arkode.Common]

Workspaces with three temporary vectors.

triple [Ida]

Workspaces with three temporary vectors.

triple [Cvode]

Workspaces with three temporary vectors.