module Arkode:sig
Adaptive-step time integration for stiff, nonstiff, and mixed stiff/nonstiff systems of ODE initial value problems with zero-crossing detection.
The interface is structured as follows.
typearkstep =
Type argument representing the ARKStep time-stepping module.
typeerkstep =
Type argument representing the ERKStep time-stepping module.
typemristep =
Type argument representing the MRIStep time-stepping module.
module Common:sig
Common definitions that are included in each of the time-stepping modules.
module Dls:sig
Common definitions for Direct Linear Solvers operating on dense, banded, and sparse matrices.
module Spils:sig
Common definitions for Scaled Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers.
module ButcherTable:sig
Butcher tables
module ARKStep:sig
ARKStep Time-Stepping Module for ODE systems in split, linearly-implicit form.
module ERKStep:sig
ERKStep Time-Stepping Module for nonstiff initial value problems.
module MRIStep:sig
MRIStep Time-Stepping Module for two-rate initial value problems.
exception IllInput
Raised on missing or illegal solver inputs. Also raised if an element
of the error weight vector becomes zero during time stepping, or the
linear solver initialization function failed, or a root was found both at
and very near t
exception TooClose
The initial and final times are too close to each other and an initial step size was not specified.
exception TooMuchWork
The requested time could not be reached in mxstep
internal steps.
See Arkode.ARKStep.set_max_num_steps
, Arkode.ERKStep.set_max_num_steps
or Arkode.MRIStep.set_max_num_steps
exception TooMuchAccuracy
The requested accuracy could not be satisfied.
exception InnerStepFail of exn option
The inner stepper returned with an unrecoverable error. If possible, the exception in the inner stepper is specified.
exception ErrFailure
Too many error test failures within a step or at the minimum step size.
See Arkode.ARKStep.set_max_err_test_fails
or Arkode.ERKStep.set_max_err_test_fails
and Arkode.ARKStep.set_min_step
or Arkode.ERKStep.set_min_step
exception ConvergenceFailure
Too many convergence test failures within a step or at the minimum step
size. See Arkode.ARKStep.set_max_conv_fails
, and Arkode.ARKStep.set_min_step
exception LinearInitFailure
Linear solver initialization failed.
exception LinearSetupFailure of exn option
Linear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.
If possible, the exception in the underlying linear solver is specified.
It is typically one of
exception LinearSolveFailure of exn option
Linear solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.
If possible, the exception in the underlying linear solver is specified.
It is typically one of
exception MassInitFailure
Mass matrix solver initialization failed.
exception MassSetupFailure of exn option
Mass matrix solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.
If possible, the exception in the underlying linear solver is specified.
It is typically one of
exception MassSolveFailure of exn option
Mass matrix solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.
If possible, the exception in the underlying linear solver is specified.
It is typically one of
exception MassMultFailure
Mass matrix-vector multiplication failed.
exception RhsFuncFailure
The right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner.
exception FirstRhsFuncFailure
The right-hand side function had a recoverable error when first called.
exception RepeatedRhsFuncFailure
Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the right-hand side function.
exception UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure
The right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible. This error can only occur after an error test failure at order one.
exception NonlinearInitFailure
Nonlinear solver initialization failed.
exception NonlinearSetupFailure
Nonlinear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.
exception NonlinearSetupRecoverable
Nonlinear solver setup failed in a recoverable manner.
exception NonlinearOperationError
The function requires a nonlinear solver, but one has not been configured.
exception RootFuncFailure
The rootfinding function failed.
exception PostprocStepFailure
The postprocess step function failed.
exception BadK
Raised by Arkode.ARKStep.get_dky
, Arkode.ERKStep.get_dky
, and
for invalid order values.
exception BadT
Raised by Arkode.ARKStep.get_dky
, Arkode.ERKStep.get_dky
, and
for invalid time values.
exception VectorOpErr
A fused vector operation failed.