Module Idas

module Idas: sig .. end

Sensitivity analysis (forward and adjoint) and quadrature equations for IDA.

These submodules extend basic state equations, $F(t, y, \dot{y}) = 0$, with parameters $p$ and quadrature variables $y_Q$. The former exposes a new dependency, $F(t, y, \dot{y}, p) = 0$, relative to which the sensitivity of a solution can be approximated. The latter introduces an efficient means to calculate a subset of variables defined by ODEs: $\dot{y}_Q = f_Q(t, y, \dot{y}, p)$.

type ('data, 'kind) session = ('data, 'kind) Ida.session 

Alias for Ida sessions. The Idas submodules all work by ‘extending’ an existing session created with Ida.init.

module Quadrature: sig .. end

Integration of pure quadrature equations.

module Sensitivity: sig .. end

(Forward) Sensitivity analysis of DAEs with respect to their parameters.

module Adjoint: sig .. end

(Adjoint) Sensitivity analysis of DAEs with respect to their parameters.