Index of exceptions

ATimesFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates failure of an atimes function.

AdjointNotInitialized [Idas.Adjoint]

Adjoint sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

AdjointNotInitialized [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Adjoint sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

BadEwt [Ida]

A component of the error weight vector, either for the input value or a corrected value, is zero.

BadFinalTime [Idas.Adjoint]

The final time was outside the interval over which the forward problem was solved.

BadFinalTime [Cvodes.Adjoint]

The final time was outside the interval over which the forward problem was solved.

BadGenericType [Nvector]

A Nvector.gdata value did not have the expected wrapper.

BadK [Arkode]

Raised by Arkode.ARKStep.get_dky, Arkode.ERKStep.get_dky, and Arkode.MRIStep.get_dky for invalid order values.

BadK [Ida]

Raised by Ida.get_dky for invalid order values.

BadK [Cvode]

Raised by Cvode.get_dky for invalid order values.

BadSensIdentifier [Idas.Sensitivity]

The index passed to identify a particular sensitivity is invalid.

BadSensIdentifier [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

The index passed to identify a particular sensitivity is invalid.

BadT [Arkode]

Raised by Arkode.ARKStep.get_dky, Arkode.ERKStep.get_dky, and Arkode.MRIStep.get_dky for invalid time values.

BadT [Ida]

Raised by Ida.get_dky for invalid time values.

BadT [Cvode]

Raised by Cvode.get_dky for invalid time values.

ButcherTableCheckFailed [Arkode.ButcherTable]

Indicates that a check on the analytic order of accuracy failed.

ConstraintFailure [Ida]

No solution satisfying the inequality constraints could be found.

ConstraintFailure [Cvode]

No solution satisfying the inequality constraints could be found.

ConvFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that a solver failed to converge.

ConvergenceFailure [Arkode]

Too many convergence test failures within a step or at the minimum step size.

ConvergenceFailure [Ida]

Too many convergence test failures within a step, or Newton convergence failed.

ConvergenceFailure [Cvode]

Too many convergence test failures within a step or at the minimum step size.

ErrFailure [Arkode]

Too many error test failures within a step or at the minimum step size.

ErrFailure [Ida]

Too many error test failures within a step.

ErrFailure [Cvode]

Too many error test failures within a step or at the minimum step size.

ExtFail [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

Raised if an external library call fails.

ExternalProfilerInUse [Sundials.Context]

Indicates that an external library (i.e., caliper) is being use for profiling.

FirstQuadRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Quadrature]

The quadrature function failed at the first call.

FirstQuadRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Quadrature]

The quadrature function failed at the first call.

FirstQuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

The sensitivity quadrature function failed at the first call.

FirstQuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

The sensitivity quadrature function failed at the first call.

FirstResFuncFailure [Ida]

The residual function had a recoverable error when first called.

FirstRhsFuncFailure [Arkode]

The right-hand side function had a recoverable error when first called.

FirstRhsFuncFailure [Cvode]

The right-hand side function had a recoverable error when first called.

FirstSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

The sensitivity function had a recoverable error when first called.

FirstSystemFunctionFailure [Kinsol]

The Kinsol.sysfn callback raised Sundials.RecoverableFailure when first called.

ForwardFailure [Idas.Adjoint]

An error occured during the integration of the forward problem.

ForwardFailure [Cvodes.Adjoint]

An error occured when integrating the forward problem from a checkpoint.

ForwardReinitFailure [Idas.Adjoint]

Reinitialization of the forward problem failed at the first checkpoint (corresponding to the initial time of the forward problem).

ForwardReinitFailure [Cvodes.Adjoint]

Reinitialization of the forward problem failed at the first checkpoint (corresponding to the initial time of the forward problem).

GSFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates failure of a Gram-Schmidt routine.

IdNotSet [Ida]

Variable ids are required but not set.

IllInput [Arkode]

Raised on missing or illegal solver inputs.

IllInput [Ida]

Raised on missing or illegal solver inputs.

IllInput [Kinsol]

An input parameter was invalid.

IllInput [Cvode]

Raised on missing or illegal solver inputs.

IllegalPrecType [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised by Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative.set_prec_type if the given type is not allowed.

IncompatibleArguments [Sundials_Matrix]

Raised if matrix operation arguments are mutually incompatible.

IncompatibleNvector [Nvector]

Raised when an nvector argument is incompatible with a session.

IncorrectGlobalSize [Nvector_parallel]

Raised by make if the given global length is not consistent with the sum of local lengths across all parallel instances.

IncorrectUse [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

Raised when a nonlinear solver is used incorrectly.

InnerStepFail [Arkode]

The inner stepper returned with an unrecoverable error.

InsufficientStorageUpperBandwidth [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised when the storage upper bandwidth (smu) of a Matrix.Band.t is insufficient for use in a particular linear solver.

InternalFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that an internal callback, identified by the first argument, returned the given unknown error code.

InvalidLinearSolver [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised on invalid use of linear solver functions.

Invalidated [Sundials_Matrix]

Raised in Config.sundials_version < 3.0.0 on an attempt to access a value that has become invalid.

LUfactFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that LU factorization encountered a singular matrix.

LineSearchBetaConditionFailure [Kinsol]

The line search algorithm could not satisfy the “beta-condition” for mxnbcf + 1 nonlinear iterations.

LineSearchNonConvergence [Kinsol]

Line search could not find an iterate sufficiently distinct from the current one, or an iterate satisfying the sufficient decrease condition.

LinearInitFailure [Arkode]

Linear solver initialization failed.

LinearInitFailure [Ida]

Linear solver initialization failed.

LinearInitFailure [Cvode]

Linear solver initialization failed.

LinearSetupFailure [Arkode]

Linear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSetupFailure [Ida]

Linear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSetupFailure [Kinsol]

The Kinsol.Spils.prec_setup_fn callback failed unrecoverably.

LinearSetupFailure [Cvode]

Linear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSolveFailure [Arkode]

Linear solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSolveFailure [Ida]

Linear solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSolveFailure [Kinsol]

Either Kinsol.Spils.prec_solve_fn failed unrecoverably or the linear solver encountered an error condition.

LinearSolveFailure [Cvode]

Linear solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.

LinearSolverInUse [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised on an attempt to associate a linear solver instance with more than one session.

LinearSolverInitFailure [Kinsol]

Linear solver initialization failed.

LinearSolverNoRecovery [Kinsol]

The Kinsol.Spils.prec_solve_fn callback raised Sundials.RecoverableFailure but the preconditioner is already current.

LinesearchFailure [Ida]

Linesearch could not find a solution with a step larger than steptol in weighted RMS norm.

MassInitFailure [Arkode]

Mass matrix solver initialization failed.

MassMultFailure [Arkode]

Mass matrix-vector multiplication failed.

MassSetupFailure [Arkode]

Mass matrix solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

MassSolveFailure [Arkode]

Mass matrix solver solution failed in an unrecoverable manner.

MatrixNotSquare [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised when creating a linear solver if the given matrix is not square.

MatrixVectorMismatch [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised when creating a linear solver if the number of matrix rows and the vector length are not equal.

MaxIterationsReached [Kinsol]

The maximum number of nonlinear iterations has been reached.

MaxNewtonStepExceeded [Kinsol]

Five consecutive steps exceed the maximum newton step.

MissingLinearSolver [Kinsol]

A linear solver is required but was not specified.

NoBackwardProblem [Idas.Adjoint]

No backward problem has been created.

NoBackwardProblem [Cvodes.Adjoint]

No backward problem has been created.

NoForwardCall [Idas.Adjoint]
NoForwardCall [Cvodes.Adjoint]
NoRecovery [Ida]

A recoverable error occurred in a callback but no recovery was possible.

NonPositiveEwt [Sundials]

Raised by error-weight functions on non-positive error weights.

NonlinearInitFailure [Arkode]

Nonlinear solver initialization failed.

NonlinearInitFailure [Ida]

Nonlinear solver initialization failed.

NonlinearInitFailure [Cvode]

Nonlinear solver initialization failed.

NonlinearOperationError [Arkode]

The function requires a nonlinear solver, but one has not been configured.

NonlinearSetupFailure [Arkode]

Nonlinear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

NonlinearSetupFailure [Ida]

Nonlinear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

NonlinearSetupFailure [Cvode]

Nonlinear solver setup failed in an unrecoverable manner.

NonlinearSetupRecoverable [Arkode]

Nonlinear solver setup failed in a recoverable manner.

NonlinearSetupRecoverable [Ida]

Nonlinear solver setup failed in a recoverable manner.

NonlinearSolverFailure [Ida]

The nonlinear solver failed in a general way.

NonlinearSolverFailure [Cvode]

The nonlinear solver failed in a general way.

NonlinearSolverInUse [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

Raised on an attempt to associate a nonlinear solver instance with more than one session.

NotImplementedBySundialsVersion [Sundials_Config]

Raised for features that are not available in the installed version of the underlying sundials library.

OperationNotProvided [Nvector]

The requested operation is not provided by the given nvector.

PSetFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates failure of a preconditioner setup routine.

PSolveFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates failure of a preconditioner solver.

PackageFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates failure in an external linear solver package.

PostprocStepFailure [Arkode]

The postprocess step function failed.

ProjFuncFailure [Cvode]

The projection function failed.

ProjectionNotEnabled [Cvode]

The project functionality is not enabled.

QRSolFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that the QR solution found a singular result.

QRfactFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that QR factorization encountered a singular matrix.

QuadNotInitialized [Idas.Quadrature]

Quadrature integration was not initialized.

QuadNotInitialized [Cvodes.Quadrature]

Quadrature integration was not initialized.

QuadRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Quadrature]

The quadrature function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

QuadRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Quadrature]

The quadrature function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

QuadSensNotInitialized [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Quadrature integration was not initialized.

QuadSensNotInitialized [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Quadrature integration was not initialized.

QuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

The sensitivity quadrature function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

QuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

The sensitivity quadrature function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

RecoverableFailure [Sundials]

Indicates a recoverable failure within a callback function.

RepeatedProjFuncError [Cvode]

The projection function failed repeatedly.

RepeatedQuadRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Quadrature]

Convergence test failures occurred too many times due to repeated recoverable errors in the quadrature function.

RepeatedQuadRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Quadrature]

Convergence test failures occurred too many times due to repeated recoverable errors in the quadrature function.

RepeatedQuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Convergence test failures occurred too many times due to repeated recoverable errors in the quadrature function.

RepeatedQuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

Convergence test failures occurred too many times due to repeated recoverable errors in the quadrature function.

RepeatedResFuncFailure [Ida]

Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the residual function.

RepeatedRhsFuncFailure [Arkode]

Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the right-hand side function.

RepeatedRhsFuncFailure [Cvode]

Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the right-hand side function.

RepeatedSensResFuncFailure [Idas.Sensitivity]

Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the sensitivity residual function.

RepeatedSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Too many convergence test failures, or unable to estimate the initial step size, due to repeated recoverable errors in the sensitivity function.

RepeatedSystemFunctionFailure [Kinsol]

The Kinsol.sysfn callback raised Sundials.RecoverableFailure repeatedly.

ResFuncFailure [Ida]

The residual function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

ResReduced [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Indicates that the residual is reduced but without convergence to the desired tolerance.

RhsFuncFailure [Arkode]

The right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

RhsFuncFailure [Cvode]

The right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

RootFuncFailure [Arkode]

The rootfinding function failed.

RootFuncFailure [Ida]

The rootfinding function failed.

RootFuncFailure [Cvode]

The rootfinding function failed.

SensNotInitialized [Idas.Sensitivity]

Sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

SensNotInitialized [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

Sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

SensResFuncFailure [Idas.Sensitivity]

The sensitivity residual function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

SensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

The sensitivity function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

SystemFunctionFailure [Kinsol]

The Kinsol.sysfn callback failed unrecoverably.

TooClose [Arkode]

The initial and final times are too close to each other and an initial step size was not specified.

TooClose [Cvode]

The initial and final times are too close to each other and an initial step size was not specified.

TooMuchAccuracy [Arkode]

The requested accuracy could not be satisfied.

TooMuchAccuracy [Ida]

The requested accuracy could not be satisfied.

TooMuchAccuracy [Cvode]

The requested accuracy could not be satisfied.

TooMuchWork [Arkode]

The requested time could not be reached in mxstep internal steps.

TooMuchWork [Ida]

The requested time could not be reached in mxstep internal steps.

TooMuchWork [Cvode]

The requested time could not be reached in mxstep internal steps.

UnrecoverableFailure [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Raised on an unrecoverable failure in a linear solver.

UnrecoverableQuadRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Quadrature]

The quadrature function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible.

UnrecoverableQuadSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature]

The sensitivity quadrature function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible.

UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure [Arkode]

The right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible.

UnrecoverableRhsFuncFailure [Cvode]

The right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible.

UnrecoverableSensRhsFuncFailure [Cvodes.Sensitivity]

The sensitivity function had a recoverable error, but no recovery was possible.

VectorOpErr [Arkode]

A fused vector operation failed.

VectorOpErr [Ida]

A fused vector operation failed.

VectorOpErr [Kinsol]

A fused vector operation failed.

VectorOpErr [Cvode]

A fused vector operation failed.

VectorOpError [Sundials_NonlinearSolver]

An error occurred in a vector operation.

VectorOpError [Sundials_LinearSolver]

An error occurred in a vector operation.

ZeroDiagonalElement [Sundials_Matrix]

Raised if a zero diagonal element is found during factorization using a low-level routine like LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms.qr_fact, LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms.qr_sol, or Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense.getrf.

ZeroInDiagonal [Sundials_LinearSolver]

Setup failed due to a zero diagonal element during LU factorization.