A | |
abs [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
abs [Nvector.Ops] |
abscissae [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | An array of slow abscissae $c^S$ . |
add_forcing [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper] | Computes the forcing term at the given time and adds it to the given inner (fast) right-hand-side vector. |
add_identity [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Increment a square matrix by the identity matrix. |
add_identity [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Increments a square matrix by the identity matrix. |
add_tracing [Nvector_custom] | Add tracing to custom operations. |
addconst [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
addconst [Nvector.Ops] |
algebraic [Ida.VarId] | The constant |
append [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by joining two existing ones. |
array_nvec_ops [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR] | The set of nvector operations on an array. |
arrayband [Sundials_Matrix] | By default, |
arraydense [Sundials_Matrix] | By default, |
assert_not_oconvtestfn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Ignore the nvector type argument in a convtestfn. |
assert_not_oconvtestfn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Ignore the nvector type argument in a convtestfn. |
B | |
backward_normal [Idas.Adjoint] | Integrates a backward ODE system over an interval. |
backward_normal [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Integrates a backward ODE system over an interval. |
backward_one_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Like |
backward_one_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Like |
band [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on banded matrices. |
band [Sundials_Matrix] | By default, |
big_real [Sundials_Config] | The largest value representable as a real. |
blit [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
blit [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
blit [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
blit [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
blit [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
blit [Sundials_Matrix] |
blit [Sundials.RootDirs] | Copy the first array into the second one. |
blit [Sundials_RealArray2] | Copy the first array into the second one. |
blit [Sundials_RealArray] | Copy the first array into the second one. |
blitn [Sundials.RootDirs] |
blitn [Sundials_RealArray] |
C | |
calc_ic [Idas.Adjoint] | Computes the algebraic components of the initial state and the differential components of the derivative vectors for certain index-one problems. |
calc_ic_sens [Idas.Adjoint] | Computes the algebraic components of the initial state and the differential components of the derivative vectors for certain index-one problems. |
calc_ic_y [Idas.Sensitivity] | Identical to |
calc_ic_y [Ida] | Computes the initial state vector for certain index-one problems. |
calc_ic_ya_yd' [Idas.Sensitivity] | Identical to |
calc_ic_ya_yd' [Ida] | Computes the algebraic components of the initial state and derivative vectors for certain index-one problems. |
check [Nvector] |
check_ark_order [Arkode.ButcherTable] | Determines the analytic order of accuracy for a pair of Butcher tables. |
check_order [Arkode.ButcherTable] | Determines the analytic order of accuracy for a Butcher table. |
classical_gs [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms] | Performs a classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. |
clear_constraints [Idas.Adjoint] | Disables constraint checking. |
clear_constraints [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Disables constraint checking. |
clear_constraints [Ida] | Disables constraint checking. |
clear_constraints [Cvode] | Disables constraint checking. |
clear_diagnostics [Arkode.MRIStep] | Do not write step adaptivity or solver diagnostics of a file. |
clear_diagnostics [Arkode.ERKStep] | Do not write step adaptivity or solver diagnostics of a file. |
clear_diagnostics [Arkode.ARKStep] | Do not write step adaptivity or solver diagnostics of a file. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Ida] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Kinsol] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_err_handler_fn [Cvode] | Restores the default error handling function. |
clear_info_handler_fn [Kinsol] | Restores the default information handling function. |
clear_jac_times [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Ida.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Kinsol.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_jac_times [Cvode.Spils] | Remove a Jacobian-times-vector function and use the default implementation. |
clear_monitor_fn [Cvode] | Turns monitoring off. |
clear_post_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Clear the function called after each inner integration. |
clear_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Clear the post processing step function. |
clear_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Clear the post processing step function. |
clear_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Clear the post processing step function. |
clear_pre_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Clear the function called before each inner integration. |
clear_stability_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Clears the problem-dependent function that estimates a stable time step size for the explicit portion of the ODE system. |
clear_stability_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Clears the problem-dependent function that estimates a stable time step size for the explicit portion of the ODE system. |
clear_stage_predict_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Clear the function called after the predictor algorithm. |
clear_stage_predict_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Clear the function called after the predictor algorithm. |
clone [Nvector_parallel] | Creates an nvector with a distinct underlying array but that shares the original global size and communicator. |
clone [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Create a copy of an array. |
clone [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] | Create a new, distinct vector from an existing one. |
clone [Nvector.Ops] | Create a new, distinct vector from an existing one. |
clone [Nvector] | Clone an nvector. |
close [Sundials.Logfile] | Closes the given file. |
col [Sundials_RealArray2] |
communicator [Nvector_mpiplusx] | Returns the communicator used for the nvector. |
communicator [Nvector_mpimany] | Returns the communicator used for the nvector. |
communicator [Nvector_parallel] | Returns the communicator used for the parallel nvector. |
compare [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
compare [Nvector.Ops] |
compare_float [Sundials.Util] | Returns true if the relative difference of the two arguments is less than or equal to the tolerance. |
compute_state [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Computes the current sensitivity vector for all sensitivities using the stored prediction and the supplied correction vectors from the nonlinear solver. |
compute_state [Arkode.MRIStep] | Computes the current stage state vector using the stored prediction and the supplied correction from the nonlinear solver. |
compute_state [Arkode.ARKStep] | Computes the current stage state vector using the stored prediction and the supplied correction from the nonlinear solver. |
compute_state [Cvode] | Computes the current stage state vector using the stored prediction and the supplied correction from the nonlinear solver. |
compute_state1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Computes the current sensitivity vector for the sensitivity at the given index using the stored prediction and the supplied correction vector from the nonlinear solver. |
compute_y [Ida] | Computes the current $y$ vector from a correction vector. |
compute_y_sens [Idas.Sensitivity] | Computes the sensitiviites from a correction vector. |
compute_yp [Ida] | Computes the current $\dot{y}$ vector from a correction vector. |
compute_yp_sens [Idas.Sensitivity] | Computes the sensitivity derivatives from a correction vector. |
concat [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by concatenating a list of existing ones. |
const [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
const [Nvector.Ops] |
constrmask [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
constrmask [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
constrmask [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
constrmask [Nvector.Ops] |
constvectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
constvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
context [Nvector] | Returns the context used to create the nvector. |
convert_ops [Nvector_custom.Any] | Adapt a set of nvector operations so that they work with a payload of
type |
copy [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Create a copy of a given coupling table. |
copy [Sundials.RootDirs] |
copy [Sundials.Roots] | Creates a new array with the same contents as an existing one. |
copy [Sundials_ROArray] | Copy an immutable array. |
copy [Sundials_RealArray2] | Creates a new array with the same contents as an existing one. |
copy [Sundials_RealArray] | Creates a new array with the same contents as an existing one. |
copy_to_csc [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | |
copy_to_csr [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | |
create [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
create [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
create [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Returns an uninitialized band matrix with the given |
create [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
create [Sundials.RootDirs] |
create [Sundials.Roots] |
create [Sundials_LintArray] |
create [Sundials_RealArray2] |
create [Sundials_RealArray] |
D | |
data [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Senswrapper] | Creates an array to the nvector data within a senswrapper. |
default [Sundials.Context] | The default context when creating values. |
default_tolerances [Arkode.Common] | A default relative tolerance of 1.0e-4 and absolute tolerance of 1.0e-9. |
default_tolerances [Ida] | A default relative tolerance of 1.0e-4 and absolute tolerance of 1.0e-8. |
default_tolerances [Cvode] | A default relative tolerance of 1.0e-4 and absolute tolerance of 1.0e-8. |
dense [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on dense matrices. |
dense [Sundials_Matrix] | By default, |
detected [Sundials.Roots] | |
differential [Ida.VarId] | The constant |
dims [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Returns the dimensions of an array band matrix. |
dims [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
dims [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Returns the dimensions of a band matrix. |
div [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
div [Nvector.Ops] |
dotprod [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
dotprod [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
dotprod [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
dotprod [Nvector.Ops] |
dotprodmulti [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
dotprodmulti [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
dotprodmulti [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
dotprodmulti [Nvector.Ops] |
dotprodmulti_allreduce [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
dotprodmulti_allreduce [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
E | |
embedding_order [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The accuracy order of the embedding. |
empty [Sundials_LintArray] | An array with no elements. |
empty [Sundials_RealArray2] | An array with no elements. |
empty [Sundials_RealArray] | An array with no elements. |
enable [Nvector_pthreads.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_pthreads] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_openmp.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_openmp] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_mpiplusx.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_mpiplusx] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_mpimany.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_mpimany] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_parallel.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_parallel] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_custom] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_many.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_many] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_serial.Any] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector_serial] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enable [Nvector.NVECTOR] | Selectively enable or disable fused and array operations. |
enabled [Sundials.Profiler] | Indicates whether the underlying library was built with profiling enabled. |
evolve_normal [Arkode.MRIStep] | Integrates an ODE system over an interval. |
evolve_normal [Arkode.ERKStep] | Integrates an ODE system over an interval. |
evolve_normal [Arkode.ARKStep] | Integrates an ODE system over an interval. |
evolve_one_step [Arkode.MRIStep] | Like |
evolve_one_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Like |
evolve_one_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Like |
exists [Sundials.Roots] | |
exists [Sundials_ROArray] | Returns true only if a predicate is true for at least one element of an immutable array. |
explicit [Arkode.MRIStep] | Explicit slow right-hand-side function only. |
explicit [Arkode.ARKStep] | Explicit Runge-Kutta (ERK) solution of non-stiff problem. |
explicit_coupling_matrices [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The set of explicit coupling matrices $\Omega^{{k}}$ as
F | |
falling [Sundials.Roots] | Returns |
fill [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Fill the array with a value. |
fill [Sundials.RootDirs] |
fill [Sundials.Roots] |
fill [Sundials_RealArray2] |
fill [Sundials_RealArray] |
finish [Sundials.Profiler] | Ends timing the region indicated by the given name. |
floata [Sundials.Util] | Returns the bit-level representation of a float in hexadecimal as a string. |
flush [Sundials.Logfile] | Flushes the given file. |
fold_left [Sundials_ROArray] | Fold a function across the elements of an immutable array from the
fold_left [Sundials_RealArray] |
fold_left2 [Sundials_ROArray] | Fold a function across the elements of two immutable arrays from the
fold_left3 [Sundials_ROArray] | Fold a function across the elements of three immutable arrays from the
fold_right [Sundials_ROArray] | Fold a function across the elements of an immutable array from the last element downward. |
fold_right [Sundials_RealArray] |
for_all [Sundials_ROArray] | Returns true only if a predicate is true for all elements of an immutable array. |
for_all2 [Sundials_ROArray] | Returns true only if a predicate is true for all paired elements of two immutable arrays. |
format_float [Sundials.Util] |
forward_normal [Idas.Adjoint] | Integrates the forward problem over an interval and saves checkpointing data. |
forward_normal [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Integrates the forward problem over an interval and saves checkpointing data. |
forward_one_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Integrates the forward problem over an interval and saves checkpointing data. |
forward_one_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Integrates the forward problem over an interval and saves checkpointing data. |
from_arkstep [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper] | Wrap an |
from_array [Sundials_ROArray] | Copy a mutable array into an immutable one. |
from_band [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Creates a sparse matrix in the specified format from a band matrix by copying all values of magnitude greater than the given tolerance. |
from_dense [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Creates a sparse matrix in in the specified format from a dense matrix by copying all values of magnitude greater than the given tolerance. |
G | |
gbtrf [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
gbtrs [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
geq_zero [Sundials.Constraint] | The constant |
geqrf [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
get [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the backward quadrature solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Idas.Adjoint] | Fills the given vectors, |
get [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature sensitivity solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity solution vectors after a successful solver step. |
get [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the backward quadrature solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Fills the given vector with the solution of the backward ODE problem at the returned time, interpolating if necessary. |
get [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature sensitivity solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity solution vectors after a successful solver step. |
get [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature solutions and time reached after a successful solver step. |
get [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Return the value from the array at the given index. |
get [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
get [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
get [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
get [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
get [Sundials.RootDirs] |
get [Sundials.Roots] |
get [Sundials_ROArray] | Return the element at the given index. |
get [Sundials_RealArray2] |
get [Sundials_RealArray] |
get1 [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns a single quadrature sensitivity vector after a successful solver step. |
get1 [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns a single sensitivity solution vector after a successful solver step. |
get1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns a single quadrature sensitivity vector after a successful solver step. |
get1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns a single sensitivity solution vector after a successful solver step. |
get_actual_init_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_actual_init_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_actual_init_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_actual_init_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_actual_init_step [Ida] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_actual_init_step [Cvode] | Returns the the value of the integration step size used on the first step. |
get_col [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get_colval [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get_communicator [Nvector_parallel] | Return the communicator associated with any nvector. |
get_cur_iter [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Returns the iteration index of the current nonlinear solve. |
get_current_butcher_table [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the Butcher table in use by the solver. |
get_current_butcher_tables [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the implicit and explicit Butcher tables in use by the solver. |
get_current_cj [Ida] | Returns the scalar $c_j$ , which is proportional to the inverse of the step size. |
get_current_coupling [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the coupling table currently in use by the solver. |
get_current_gamma [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the current value of $\gamma$ . |
get_current_gamma [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the current value of $\gamma$ . |
get_current_gamma [Cvode] | Returns the current value of $\gamma$ . |
get_current_order [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the integration method order to be used on the next internal step. |
get_current_order [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the integration method order to be used on the next internal step. |
get_current_order [Ida] | Returns the integration method order to be used on the next internal step. |
get_current_order [Cvode] | Returns the integration method order to be used on the next internal step. |
get_current_sens_solve_index [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the index of the current sensitivity solve when using the Staggered1 method. |
get_current_state [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the current state vector. |
get_current_state [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the current state vector. |
get_current_state [Cvode] | Returns the current state vector. |
get_current_state_sens [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the current sensitivity state vector array. |
get_current_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_step [Ida] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_step [Cvode] | Returns the integration step size to be attempted on the next internal step. |
get_current_time [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Ida] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_time [Cvode] | Returns the the current internal time reached by the solver. |
get_current_y [Ida] | Returns the current $y$ vector. |
get_current_y_sens [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the current sensitivity vector array. |
get_current_yp [Ida] | Returns the current $\dot{y}$ vector. |
get_current_yp_sens [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the derivative of the current sensitivity vector array. |
get_data [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get_dky [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of the quadrature sensitivity solution. |
get_dky [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of the sensitivity solution vectors. |
get_dky [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of quadrature variables. |
get_dky [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of the quadrature sensitivity solution. |
get_dky [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of the sensitivity solution vectors. |
get_dky [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of quadrature variables. |
get_dky [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Ida] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky [Cvode] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives. |
get_dky1 [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of a single quadrature sensitivity solution vector. |
get_dky1 [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of a single sensitivity solution vector. |
get_dky1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of a single quadrature sensitivity solution vector. |
get_dky1 [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the interpolated solution or derivatives of a single sensitivity solution vector. |
get_err_weights [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns the quadrature error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Ida] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_err_weights [Cvode] | Returns the solution error weights at the current time. |
get_est_local_errors [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_est_local_errors [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_est_local_errors [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_est_local_errors [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_est_local_errors [Ida] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_est_local_errors [Cvode] | Returns the vector of estimated local errors. |
get_forcing_data [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper] | Return the data necessary to compute the forcing term. |
get_func_norm [Kinsol] | Returns the scaled Euclidiean l2 norm of the nonlinear system function $F(u)$ evaluated at the current iterate. |
get_id [Nvector] | Returns the vector type identifier. |
get_id [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Returns the identifier of the linear solver. |
get_id [Sundials_Matrix] | Return the internal type identifier of a matrix. |
get_integrator_stats [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the integrator statistics as a group. |
get_integrator_stats [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the integrator statistics as a group. |
get_integrator_stats [Ida] | Returns the integrator statistics as a group. |
get_integrator_stats [Cvode] | Returns the integrator statistics as a group. |
get_last_flag [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Returns an indication of the last error encountered by a linear solver. |
get_last_order [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the integration method order used during the last internal step. |
get_last_order [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the integration method order used during the last internal step. |
get_last_order [Ida] | Returns the integration method order used during the last internal step. |
get_last_order [Cvode] | Returns the integration method order used during the last internal step. |
get_last_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last internal step. |
get_last_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last internal step. |
get_last_step [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last successful internal step. |
get_last_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last successful internal step. |
get_last_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last successful internal step. |
get_last_step [Ida] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last internal step. |
get_last_step [Cvode] | Returns the integration step size taken on the last internal step. |
get_linear_solver_stats [Cvode] | Returns linear solver statistics as a group. |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Ida] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_solv_stats [Cvode] | Returns both the numbers of nonlinear iterations performed |
get_nonlin_system_data [Idas.Sensitivity] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_nonlin_system_data [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_nonlin_system_data [Arkode.MRIStep] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_nonlin_system_data [Arkode.ARKStep] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear implicit system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_nonlin_system_data [Ida] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_nonlin_system_data [Cvode] | Gives direct access to the internal data required to construct the current nonlinear system within a nonlinear solver. |
get_num_acc_steps [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of accuracy-limited steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_acc_steps [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of accuracy-limited steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_backtrack_ops [Ida] | Returns the number of backtrack operations during |
get_num_backtrack_ops [Kinsol] | Returns the number of backtrack operations (step length adjustments) performed by the line search algorithm. |
get_num_beta_cond_fails [Kinsol] | Returns the number of beta-condition failures. |
get_num_constr_fails [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of test failures. |
get_num_constr_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of test failures. |
get_num_conv_fails [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_conv_fails [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Returns the number of nonlinear solver convergence failures in the most recent solve. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of local error test failures for the sensitivity variables that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of local error test failures for the sensitivity variables that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred due to quadrature variables. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Ida] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_err_test_fails [Cvode] | Returns the number of local error test failures that have occurred. |
get_num_exp_steps [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of stability-limited steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_exp_steps [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of stability-limited steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_func_evals [Kinsol] | Returns the number of evaluations of the system function. |
get_num_g_evals [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the cumulative number of calls made to the user-supplied root function g. |
get_num_g_evals [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of calls made to the user-supplied root function g. |
get_num_g_evals [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of calls made to the user-supplied root function g. |
get_num_g_evals [Ida] | Returns the cumulative number of calls made to the user-supplied root function g. |
get_num_g_evals [Cvode] | Returns the cumulative number of calls made to the user-supplied root function g. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Idas_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Ida_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Cvodes_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Cvode_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Arkode_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_gfn_evals [Kinsol_bbd] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to finite difference banded Jacobian approximation in the setup function. |
get_num_iters [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Returns the number of nonlinear solver iterations in the most recent solve. |
get_num_iters [Sundials_LinearSolver] | The number of linear iterations performed in the last |
get_num_jac_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Ida.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Kinsol.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jac_evals [Cvode.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the Jacobian approximation function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Ida.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtimes_evals [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Ida.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_jtsetup_evals [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the Jacobian-vector setup function. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Ida.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_conv_fails [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear convergence failures. |
get_num_lin_func_evals [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the system function for finite difference quotient Jacobian-vector product approximations. |
get_num_lin_func_evals [Kinsol.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made by a direct linear solver to the user system function for computing the difference quotient approximation to the Jacobian. |
get_num_lin_iters [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Ida.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_iters [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of linear iterations. |
get_num_lin_res_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the residual callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_res_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the residual callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_res_evals [Ida.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the residual callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_res_evals [Ida.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the residual callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for finite difference Jacobian-vector product approximation. |
get_num_lin_rhs_evals [Cvode.Dls] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback due to the finite difference Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function due to forward sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function due to forward sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Ida] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_lin_solv_setups [Cvode] | Returns the number of calls made to the linear solver's setup function. |
get_num_mass_mult [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the mass-matrix-vector
product function ( |
get_num_mtsetups [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the mass-matrix-vector setup function. |
get_num_mult [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made to the mass matrix-times-vector routine. |
get_num_mult_setups [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made to the mass matrix matvec setup routine. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulativ number of nonlinear convergence failures during sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures during sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Ida] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Cvode] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations performed. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear iterations for sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear iterations performed for sensitivity calculations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Ida] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Kinsol] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear iterations. |
get_num_nonlin_solv_iters [Cvode] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton) iterations. |
get_num_prec_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the setup function. |
get_num_prec_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function with
get_num_prec_evals [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function with
get_num_prec_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function with
get_num_prec_evals [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function with
get_num_prec_evals [Ida.Spils] | Returns the number of calls to the setup function. |
get_num_prec_evals [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function. |
get_num_prec_evals [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the setup function with
get_num_prec_solves [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Ida.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_prec_solves [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the cumulative number of calls to the preconditioner solve function. |
get_num_proj_evals [Cvode] | Returns the current total number of projection evaluations. |
get_num_proj_fails [Cvode] | Returns the current total number of projection evaluation failures. |
get_num_res_evals [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the number of calls to the backward residual function. |
get_num_res_evals [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls to the sensitivity residual function. |
get_num_res_evals [Ida] | Returns the number of calls to the residual function. |
get_num_res_evals_sens [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls to the residual function due to the internal finite difference approximation of the sensitivity residual. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the backward quadrature right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the quadrature right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the quadrature function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the backward quadrature right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for the difference banded Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint.Diag] | Returns the number of calls made to the right-hand side function due to finite difference Jacobian approximation in the Diagonal linear solver. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the number of calls to the backward right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the quadrature right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls to the sensitivity function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns the number of calls to the quadrature function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Arkode.MRIStep] | The number of calls to the (outer) right-hand-side functions. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side functions. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Arkode.Spils.Banded] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for the difference banded Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvode.Spils.Banded] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side callback for the difference banded Jacobian approximation. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvode.Diag] | Returns the number of calls made to the right-hand side function due to finite difference Jacobian approximation in the Diagonal linear solver. |
get_num_rhs_evals [Cvode] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function. |
get_num_rhs_evals_sens [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the number of calls to the right-hand side function due to the internal finite difference approximation of the sensitivity equations. |
get_num_roots [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the number of root functions. |
get_num_roots [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the number of root functions. |
get_num_roots [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the number of root functions. |
get_num_roots [Ida] | Returns the number of root functions. |
get_num_roots [Cvode] | Returns the number of root functions. |
get_num_setups [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made to the mass matrix solver setup routine. |
get_num_solves [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Returns the number of calls made to the mass matrix solver solve routine. |
get_num_stab_lim_order_reds [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the number of order reductions dictated by the BDF stability limit detection algorithm. |
get_num_stab_lim_order_reds [Cvode] | Returns the number of order reductions dictated by the BDF stability limit detection algorithm. |
get_num_step_attempts [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of steps attempted by the solver. |
get_num_step_attempts [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of steps attempted by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_steps [Ida] | Returns the cumulative number of internal solver steps. |
get_num_steps [Cvode] | Returns the cumulative number of internal steps taken by the solver. |
get_num_stgr_nonlin_solv_conv_fails [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear convergence failures
for each sensitivity equation separately in the |
get_num_stgr_nonlin_solv_iters [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the cumulative number of nonlinear (functional or Newton)
iterations for each sensitivity equation separately in the |
get_ops [Sundials_Matrix] | Return a record of matrix operations. |
get_profiler [Sundials.Context] | Return the profiler associated with a context. |
get_res_id [Sundials_LinearSolver] | The preconditioned initial residual vector. |
get_res_norm [Sundials_LinearSolver] | The final residual norm from the last |
get_res_weights [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the residual error weights at the current time. |
get_root_info [Arkode.MRIStep] | Fills an array showing which functions were found to have a root. |
get_root_info [Arkode.ERKStep] | Fills an array showing which functions were found to have a root. |
get_root_info [Arkode.ARKStep] | Fills an array showing which functions were found to have a root. |
get_root_info [Ida] | Fills an array showing which functions were found to have a root. |
get_root_info [Cvode] | Fills an array showing which functions were found to have a root. |
get_row [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get_rowval [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
get_stats [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_stats [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_stats [Idas.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity-related statistics as a group. |
get_stats [Idas.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_stats [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_stats [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_stats [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Returns the sensitivity-related statistics as a group. |
get_stats [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Returns quadrature-related statistics. |
get_step_length [Kinsol] | Returns the scaled Euclidiean l2 norm of the step used during the previous iteration. |
get_step_stats [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns a grouped set of integrator statistics. |
get_step_stats [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns a grouped set of integrator statistics. |
get_sys_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.FixedPoint] | Returns the residual function that defines the nonlinear system. |
get_sys_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Newton] | Returns the residual function that defines the nonlinear system. |
get_timestepper_stats [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns a grouped set of time-stepper statistics. |
get_timestepper_stats [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns a grouped set of time-stepper statistics. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Ida] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_tol_scale_factor [Cvode] | Returns a suggested factor by which the user's tolerances should be scaled when too much accuracy has been requested for some internal step. |
get_type [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Returns the type of a nonlinear solver. |
get_type [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Returns the type of the linear solver. |
get_work_space [Idas_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Ida_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Cvodes_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Cvode_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Arkode_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Kinsol_bbd] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the BBD preconditioner. |
get_work_space [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the linear solver. |
get_work_space [Idas.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Idas.Adjoint] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the banded preconditioner module. |
get_work_space [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvodes.Adjoint.Diag] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the Diagonal linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.MRIStep.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.MRIStep] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ERKStep] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear mass matrix solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ARKStep.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Arkode.ARKStep] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Arkode.Spils.Banded] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the banded preconditioner module. |
get_work_space [Ida.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Ida.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Ida] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces. |
get_work_space [Kinsol.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Kinsol.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Kinsol] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces. |
get_work_space [Cvode.Spils.Banded] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the banded preconditioner module. |
get_work_space [Cvode.Spils] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the spils linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvode.Dls] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by a direct linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvode.Diag] | Returns the sizes of the real and integer workspaces used by the Diagonal linear solver. |
get_work_space [Cvode] | Returns the real and integer workspace sizes. |
get_work_space [Sundials_LinearSolver] | The storage requirements of the linear solver. |
get_y [Idas.Adjoint] | Fills the vector with the interpolated forward solution and its derivative at the given time during a backward simulation. |
get_y [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Fills the vector with the interpolated forward solution at the given time during a backward simulation. |
getlength [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] | Returns the number of "active" entries. |
getlength [Nvector.Ops] | Returns the number of "active" entries. |
getrf [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
getrs [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
getrs' [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Like |
global_length [Nvector_parallel] | Returns the number of global elements for a parallel nvector. |
gt_zero [Sundials.Constraint] | The constant |
H | |
has_constrmask [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_constvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_dotprod [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_dotprodmulti [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_dotprodmulti [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_dotprodmulti_allreduce [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local
has_invtest [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_l1norm [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_linearcombination [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_linearcombinationvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_linearsumvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_maxnorm [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_min [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_minquotient [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_scaleaddmulti [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_scaleaddmultivectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_scalevectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_wrmsnormmaskvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_wrmsnormvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] | Indicates whether an nvector supports |
has_wsqrsum [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
has_wsqrsummask [Nvector.Ops.Local] | Indicates whether an nvector supports a local |
hide_communicator [Nvector_parallel] | Hides an MPI communicator for use in custom nvector functions. |
I | |
imex [Arkode.MRIStep] | Slow problem with both implicit and explicit parts. |
imex [Arkode.ARKStep] | Additive Runge-Kutta (ARK) solution of multi-rate problem. |
implicit [Arkode.MRIStep] | Implicit slow right-hand-side function only. |
implicit [Arkode.ARKStep] | Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) solution of stiff problem. |
implicit_coupling_matrices [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The set of implicit coupling matrices $\Gamma^{{k}}$ as
init [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | This function activates the integration of quadrature equations. |
init [Idas.Adjoint] | Activates the forward-backward problem. |
init [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Activate the integration of quadrature sensitivities. |
init [Idas.Sensitivity] | Activates the calculation of forward sensitivities. |
init [Idas.Quadrature] | Activates the integration of quadrature equations. |
init [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | This function activates the integration of quadrature equations. |
init [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Activates the forward-backward problem. |
init [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Activate the integration of quadrature sensitivities. |
init [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Activates the calculation of forward sensitivities. |
init [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Activates the integration of quadrature equations. |
init [Arkode.MRIStep] | Creates and initializes a session with the solver. |
init [Arkode.ERKStep] | Creates and initializes a session with the solver. |
init [Arkode.ARKStep] | Creates and initializes a session with the solver. |
init [Ida] | Creates and initializes a session with the solver. |
init [Kinsol] | Creates and initializes a session with the Kinsol solver. |
init [Cvode] | Creates and initializes a session with the solver. |
init [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Initializes a nonlinear solver. |
init [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Initializes a linear solver. |
init [Sundials.RootDirs] |
init [Sundials.Roots] |
init [Sundials_ROArray] | Create an immutable array of the given length and apply a function to set each element. |
init [Sundials_RealArray] |
init_backward [Idas.Adjoint] | Creates and initializes a backward session attached to an existing (forward) session. |
init_backward [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Creates and initializes a backward session attached to an existing (forward) session. |
int_of_root [Sundials.Roots] | |
into_array [Sundials_RealArray] | Copies into an existing
inv [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
inv [Nvector.Ops] |
invalidate [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Called internally when the corresponding value in the underlying library ceases to exist. |
invalidate [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Called internally when the corresponding value in the underlying library ceases to exist. |
invalidate [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Called internally when the corresponding value in the underlying library ceases to exist. |
invoke [Sundials] | Use a callback function provided by the underlying library. |
invtest [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
invtest [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
invtest [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
invtest [Nvector.Ops] |
is_csc [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Returns true iff the matrix format is CSC. |
iter [Sundials.Roots] |
iter [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on elements of an immutable array
starting at index |
iter [Sundials_RealArray] |
iter2 [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on paired elements from two immutable arrays
starting at index |
iter3 [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on triples from three immutable arrays
starting at index |
iteri [Sundials.Roots] |
iteri [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on index values and elements of an
immutable array starting at index |
iteri [Sundials_RealArray] |
iteri2 [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on paired elements, and their indexes, from
two immutable arrays starting at index |
iteri3 [Sundials_ROArray] | Call a function successively on triples, and their indexes, from three
immutable arrays starting at index |
K | |
klu [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on sparse matrices using KLU. |
klu_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether the KLU sparse linear solver is available. |
L | |
l1norm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
l1norm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
l1norm [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
l1norm [Nvector.Ops] |
lapack_band [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on banded matrices using LAPACK. |
lapack_dense [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on dense matrices using LAPACK. |
lapack_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether the interface was compiled with BLAS/LAPACK support. |
length [Nvector_mpimany] | Returns the sum of the lengths of the component nvectors. |
length [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Return the length of an array. |
length [Nvector_many] | Returns the sum of the lengths of the component nvectors. |
length [Sundials.RootDirs] | Returns the length of an array |
length [Sundials.Roots] | Returns the length of an array. |
length [Sundials_ROArray] | Return the length of the array. |
length [Sundials_RealArray] | Returns the length of an array. |
leq_zero [Sundials.Constraint] | The constant |
linearcombination [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
linearcombination [Nvector.Ops] |
linearcombinationvectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
linearcombinationvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
linearsum [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
linearsum [Nvector.Ops] |
linearsumvectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
linearsumvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
load_dirk [Arkode.ButcherTable] | Retrieves a diagonally-implicit Butcher table. |
load_erk [Arkode.ButcherTable] | Retrieves an explicit Butcher table. |
load_table [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Retrieves a copy of a specific coupling table. |
local_array [Nvector_parallel] |
local_length [Nvector_parallel] | Returns the number of local elements for a parallel nvector. |
lt_zero [Sundials.Constraint] | The constant |
M | |
make [Nvector_pthreads.Any] |
make [Nvector_pthreads] |
make [Nvector_openmp.Any] |
make [Nvector_openmp] |
make [Nvector_parallel.Any] |
make [Nvector_parallel] |
make [Sundials_parallel.Context] | Create a new context. |
make [Sundials_parallel.Profiler] | Creates a new profiler with the given name. |
make [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Create a set of coupling coefficients. |
make [Arkode.MRIStep.InnerStepper] | Creates an inner stepper. |
make [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Create an array of the given length initialized to the given value. |
make [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR] |
make [Nvector_serial.Any] |
make [Nvector_serial] |
make [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Custom] | Create a nonlinear solver from a set of callback functions. |
make [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.FixedPoint] | Creates a nonlinear solver using fixed-point (functional) iteration. |
make [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Newton] | Creates a nonlinear solver based on Newton's method. |
make [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Superlumt] | Creates a direct linear solver on sparse matrices using SuperLUMT. |
make [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Klu] | Creates a direct linear solver on sparse matrices using KLU. |
make [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
make [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
make [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
make [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Returns a band matrix with the given |
make [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
make [Sundials.RootDirs] |
make [Sundials.Roots] |
make [Sundials.Context] | Create a new context, optionally specifying the profiler to use. |
make [Sundials.Profiler] | Creates a new profiler with the given name. |
make [Sundials_LintArray] |
make [Sundials_RealArray2] |
make [Sundials_RealArray] |
make_data [Sundials_RealArray2] |
make_dls [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom] | Create a direct linear solver given a set of operations and an internal state. |
make_ops [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom] | Convenience function for constructing a |
make_sens [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Custom] | Create a nonlinear solver from a set of callback functions for sensitivity problems that pass arrays of nvectors. |
make_sens [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.FixedPoint] | Creates a nonlinear solver using fixed-point (functional) iteration for sensitivity-enabled integrators. |
make_sens [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Newton] | Creates a nonlinear solver based on Newton's method for sensitivity-enabled integrators. |
make_with_matrix [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom] | Create a linear solver given a set of operations and an internal state. |
make_without_matrix [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom] | Create a linear solver given a set of operations and an internal state. |
make_wrap [Nvector_custom.Any] | Instantiation of custom nvectors. |
make_wrap [Nvector_custom] | Instantiation of custom nvectors. |
map [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by mapping a function across the elements of an existing one. |
map [Sundials_RealArray] |
map2 [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by mapping a function across the elements of two existing ones. |
map3 [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by mapping a function across the elements of three existing ones. |
mapi [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array by mapping a function across the elements, and their indexes, of an existing one. |
mapi [Sundials_RealArray] |
matrix_embedded_solver [Idas.Adjoint] | Create an IDA-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Create a CVode-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Arkode.MRIStep] | Create an MRIStep-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass] | Create an ARKStep-specific mass linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Arkode.ARKStep] | Create an ARKStep-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Ida] | Create an IDA-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Kinsol] | Create a Kinsol-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matrix_embedded_solver [Cvode] | Create a CVode-specific linear solver from a generic matrix embedded solver. |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | The call |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | The call |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | The call |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | The call |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | The call |
matvec [Sundials_Matrix] | The call |
matvec_setup [Sundials_Matrix] | Perform any setup required before a matrix-vector product. |
maxnorm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
maxnorm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
maxnorm [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
maxnorm [Nvector.Ops] |
mem [Sundials_ROArray] | Returns true only if the immutable array contains an element that is structurally equal to the given one. |
memq [Sundials_ROArray] | Returns true only if the immutable array contains an element that is (physically) identical to the given one. |
method_order [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The accuracy order of the MRI method. |
min [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
min [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
min [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
min [Nvector.Ops] |
minquotient [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
minquotient [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
minquotient [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
minquotient [Nvector.Ops] |
mis_to_mri [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Create a new coupling table from a slow Butcher table. |
modified_gs [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms] | Performs a modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. |
monitoring_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether the underlying library was built with support for monitoring functions. |
mpi_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether the parallel nvectors and linear solvers are available. |
N | |
nmat [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The number of $\Gamma^{{k}}$ coupling matrices. |
no_roots [Arkode.Common] | A convenience value for signalling that there are no roots to monitor. |
no_roots [Ida] | A convenience value for signalling that there are no roots to monitor. |
no_roots [Cvode] | A convenience value for signalling that there are no roots to monitor. |
no_sens_params [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Empty |
num_subvectors [Nvector_mpimany] | Returns the number of subectors in the array. |
num_subvectors [Nvector_many] | Returns the number of subectors in the array. |
num_threads [Nvector_pthreads] | Returns the number of threads used within a Pthreads nvector. |
num_threads [Nvector_openmp] | Returns the number of threads used within an OpenMP nvector. |
nvecopenmp_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether openmp-based nvectors are available. |
nvecpthreads_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether pthreads-based nvectors are available. |
O | |
of_array [Sundials.RootDirs] | Creates a new value from the contents of an array. |
of_array [Sundials.Roots] | Creates a new value from the contents of an array. |
of_array [Sundials_RealArray] | Creates an array by copying the contents of a
of_arrays [Sundials_RealArray2] |
of_float [Ida.VarId] | Map floating-point constants to id values. |
of_float [Sundials.Constraint] | Map floating-point constants to constraint values. |
of_list [Sundials.RootDirs] | Creates an array by copying the contents of a |
of_list [Sundials.Roots] | Creates an array by copying the contents of a |
of_list [Sundials_ROArray] | Copy the elements of a list into a new immutable array. |
of_list [Sundials_RealArray] | Creates an array by copying the contents of a
of_lists [Sundials_RealArray2] |
openfile [Sundials.Logfile] | Opens the named file. |
ops [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Operations on array-based band matrices. |
ops [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Operations on array-based dense matrices. |
ops [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Operations on sparse matrices. |
ops [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Operations on band matrices. |
ops [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Operations on dense matrices. |
ormqr [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
output_bytes [Sundials.Logfile] | Writes the given byte sequence to an open log file. |
output_string [Sundials.Logfile] | Writes the given string to an open log file. |
P | |
pcg [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Krylov iterative solver using the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method. |
potrf [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Performs Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive matrix. |
potrs [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
pp [Nvector_pthreads] | Pretty-print a Pthreads nvector using the Format module. |
pp [Nvector_openmp] | Pretty-print an OpenMP nvector using the Format module. |
pp [Nvector_parallel] | Pretty-print the local portion of a parallel nvector using the Format module. |
pp [Nvector_serial] | Pretty-print a serial nvector using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Pretty-print a band matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Pretty-print an array dense matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Pretty-print a sparse matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Pretty-print a band matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Pretty-print a dense matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_Matrix] | Pretty-print a generic matrix using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials.RootDirs] | Pretty-print a root direction array using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials.Roots] | Pretty-print a root array using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_LintArray] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_RealArray2] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
pp [Sundials_RealArray] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Pretty-print an array band matrix using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Pretty-print a sparse matrix using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Pretty-print a band matrix using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Pretty-print a dense matrix using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials.RootDirs] | Pretty-print a root direction array using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials.Roots] | Pretty-print a root array using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_LintArray] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_RealArray2] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
ppi [Sundials_RealArray] | Pretty-print an array using the Format module. |
prec_both [Cvodes_bbd] | Preconditioning from both sides using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_both [Cvode_bbd] | Preconditioning from both sides using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_both [Arkode_bbd] | Preconditioning from both sides using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_both [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_both [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning with sensitivities. |
prec_both [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning. |
prec_both [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning. |
prec_both [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning. |
prec_both [Arkode.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_both [Cvode.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_both [Cvode.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning. |
prec_both_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Left and right preconditioning without sensitivities. |
prec_left [Idas_bbd] | Left preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_left [Ida_bbd] | Left preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_left [Cvodes_bbd] | Left preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_left [Cvode_bbd] | Left preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_left [Arkode_bbd] | Left preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_left [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Left preconditioning without forward sensitivities. |
prec_left [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded] | A band matrix |
prec_left [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Left preconditioning without forward sensitivities. |
prec_left [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Left preconditioning. |
prec_left [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Left preconditioning. |
prec_left [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Left preconditioning. |
prec_left [Arkode.Spils.Banded] | A band matrix |
prec_left [Ida.Spils] | Left preconditioning. |
prec_left [Cvode.Spils.Banded] | A band matrix |
prec_left [Cvode.Spils] | Left preconditioning. |
prec_left_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Left preconditioning with forward sensitivities. |
prec_left_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Left preconditioning with forward sensitiviites. |
prec_none [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Ida.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Kinsol.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_none [Cvode.Spils] | No preconditioning. |
prec_right [Cvodes_bbd] | Right preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_right [Cvode_bbd] | Right preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_right [Arkode_bbd] | Right preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_right [Kinsol_bbd] | Right preconditioning using the Parallel Band-Block-Diagonal module. |
prec_right [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_right [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Right preconditioning with sensitivities. |
prec_right [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Right preconditioning. |
prec_right [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Right preconditioning. |
prec_right [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Right preconditioning. |
prec_right [Arkode.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_right [Kinsol.Spils] | Right preconditioning. |
prec_right [Cvode.Spils.Banded] | Like |
prec_right [Cvode.Spils] | Right preconditioning. |
prec_right_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Right preconditioning without sensitivities. |
print [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] | Prints to the given logfile (stdout, by default). |
print [Nvector.Ops] | Prints to the given logfile (stdout, by default). |
print [Sundials.Profiler] | Prints out a profiling summary. |
print_band [Sundials_Matrix] | Prints a band matrix to the given log file. |
print_dense [Sundials_Matrix] | Prints a dense matrix to the given log file. |
print_integrator_stats [Idas.Adjoint] | Prints the integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_integrator_stats [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Prints the integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_integrator_stats [Ida] | Prints the integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_integrator_stats [Cvode] | Prints the integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_sparse [Sundials_Matrix] | Prints a sparse matrix to the given log file. |
print_step_stats [Arkode.ERKStep] | Prints integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_step_stats [Arkode.ARKStep] | Prints integrator statistics on the given channel. |
print_timestepper_stats [Arkode.ERKStep] | Prints time-stepper statistics on the given channel. |
print_timestepper_stats [Arkode.ARKStep] | Prints time-stepper statistics on the given channel. |
prod [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
prod [Nvector.Ops] |
Q | |
qr_fact [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms] | Performs a QR factorization of a Hessenberg matrix. |
qr_sol [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative.Algorithms] | Solve the linear least squares problem. |
R | |
reinit [Idas_bbd] | Reinitializes some BBD preconditioner parameters. |
reinit [Ida_bbd] | Reinitializes some BBD preconditioner parameters. |
reinit [Cvodes_bbd] | Reinitializes some BBD preconditioner parameters. |
reinit [Cvode_bbd] | Reinitializes some BBD preconditioner parameters. |
reinit [Arkode_bbd] | Reinitializes some BBD preconditioner parameters. |
reinit [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | This function reinitializes the integration of quadrature equations during the backward phase. |
reinit [Idas.Adjoint] | Reinitializes the backward problem with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Reinitializes the quadrature sensitivity integration. |
reinit [Idas.Sensitivity] | Reinitializes the forward sensitivity computation. |
reinit [Idas.Quadrature] | Reinitializes the integration of quadrature equations. |
reinit [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | This function reinitializes the integration of quadrature equations during the backward phase. |
reinit [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Reinitializes the backward problem with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Reinitializes the quadrature sensitivity integration. |
reinit [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Reinitializes the forward sensitivity computation. |
reinit [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Reinitializes the integration of quadrature equations. |
reinit [Arkode.MRIStep] | Reinitializes the solver with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Arkode.ERKStep] | Reinitializes the solver with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Arkode.ARKStep] | Reinitializes the solver with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Ida] | Reinitializes the solver with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Cvode] | Reinitializes the solver with new parameters and state values. |
reinit [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Klu] | Reinitializes memory and flags for a new factorization (symbolic and numeric) at the next solver setup call. |
reset [Arkode.MRIStep] | Resets the state to the given independent variable value and dependent variable vector. |
reset [Arkode.ERKStep] | Resets the state to the given independent variable value and dependent variable vector. |
reset [Arkode.ARKStep] | Resets the state to the given independent variable value and dependent variable vector. |
reset [Sundials.Roots] | Resets all elements to NoRoot. |
resize [Arkode.MRIStep] | Change the number of equations and unknowns between integrator steps. |
resize [Arkode.ERKStep] | Change the number of equations and unknowns between integrator steps. |
resize [Arkode.ARKStep] | Change the number of equations and unknowns between integrator steps. |
resize [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Reallocates the underlying arrays to the given number of non-zero elements, or otherwise to the current number of non-zero elements . |
rising [Sundials.Roots] | Returns |
S | |
scale [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
scale [Nvector.Ops] |
scale [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
scale [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Multiplies each element by a constant. |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
scale_add [Sundials_Matrix] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
scale_addi [Sundials_Matrix] |
scaleaddmulti [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
scaleaddmulti [Nvector.Ops] |
scaleaddmultivectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
scaleaddmultivectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
scalevectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
scalevectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
set [Nvector_array.ArrayOps] | Update the value in the array at the given index. |
set [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
set [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
set [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
set [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
set [Sundials.RootDirs] |
set [Sundials.Roots] |
set [Sundials_RealArray2] |
set [Sundials_RealArray] |
set_adaptivity_method [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the method and associated parameters used for time step adaptivity. |
set_adaptivity_method [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the method and associated parameters used for time step adaptivity. |
set_all_root_directions [Arkode.MRIStep] | Like |
set_all_root_directions [Arkode.ERKStep] | Like |
set_all_root_directions [Arkode.ARKStep] | Like |
set_all_root_directions [Ida] | Like |
set_all_root_directions [Cvode] | Like |
set_ark_table_num [Arkode.ARKStep] | Use specific built-in Butcher tables for an ImEx system. |
set_atimes [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Set the linear solver's problem-specific |
set_cfl_fraction [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the fraction of the estimated explicitly stable step to use. |
set_cfl_fraction [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the fraction of the estimated explicitly stable step to use. |
set_col [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set_colval [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set_constraints [Idas.Adjoint] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each
component of the solution vector |
set_constraints [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each
component of the solution vector |
set_constraints [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each component of the solution vector. |
set_constraints [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each component of the solution vector. |
set_constraints [Ida] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each
component of the solution vector |
set_constraints [Kinsol] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each
component of the solution vector |
set_constraints [Cvode] | Specifies a vector defining inequality constraints for each
component of the solution vector |
set_convtest_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Specify a convergence test callback for the nonlinear solver iteration when using sensitivities. |
set_convtest_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Specify a convergence test callback for the nonlinear solver iteration. |
set_damping [Kinsol] | Sets the damping parameter for the fixed point or Picard iteration. |
set_damping [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.FixedPoint] | Sets the damping parameter $\beta$ to use with Anderson acceleration. |
set_damping_aa [Kinsol] | Set the Anderson acceleration damping parameter. |
set_data [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set_defaults [Arkode.MRIStep] | Resets all optional input parameters to their default values. |
set_defaults [Arkode.ERKStep] | Resets all optional input parameters to their default values. |
set_defaults [Arkode.ARKStep] | Resets all optional input parameters to their default values. |
set_delay_aa [Kinsol] | Sets the number of iterations to delay the start of Anderson acceleration. |
set_delta_gamma_max [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies a scaled step size ratio tolerance beyond which the linear solver setup routine will be signalled. |
set_delta_gamma_max [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies a scaled step size ratio tolerance beyond which the linear solver setup routine will be signalled. |
set_diagnostics [Arkode.MRIStep] | Write step adaptivity and solver diagnostics on the standard output (or given file). |
set_diagnostics [Arkode.ERKStep] | Write step adaptivity and solver diagnostics on the standard output (or given file). |
set_diagnostics [Arkode.ARKStep] | Write step adaptivity and solver diagnostics on the standard output (or given file). |
set_dirk_table_num [Arkode.ARKStep] | Use specific built-in Butcher tables for an implicit integration of the problem. |
set_dq_method [Idas.Sensitivity] | Sets the difference quotient strategy when sensitivity equations are computed internally by the solver rather than via callback. |
set_dq_method [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Sets the difference quotient strategy when sensitivity equations are computed internally by the solver rather than via callback. |
set_eps_lin [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Ida.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_lin [Cvode.Spils] | Sets the factor by which the Krylov linear solver's convergence test constant is reduced from the Newton iteration test constant. |
set_eps_proj [Cvode] | Set the tolerance for the nonlinear-constrained least-squares problem solved by the projection function. |
set_erk_table_num [Arkode.ARKStep] | Use specific built-in Butcher tables for an explicit integration of the problem. |
set_err_con [Idas.Sensitivity] | Sets whether sensitivity variables are used in the error control mechanism. |
set_err_con [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Sets whether sensitivity variables are used in the error control mechanism. |
set_err_handler_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_err_handler_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_err_handler_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_err_handler_fn [Ida] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_err_handler_fn [Kinsol] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_err_handler_fn [Cvode] | Specifies a custom function for handling error messages. |
set_error_bias [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the bias to apply to the error estimates within accuracy-based adaptivity strategies. |
set_error_bias [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the bias to apply to the error estimates within accuracy-based adaptivity strategies. |
set_error_file [Arkode.MRIStep] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_error_file [Arkode.ERKStep] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_error_file [Arkode.ARKStep] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_error_file [Ida] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_error_file [Kinsol] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_error_file [Cvode] | Configure the default error handler to write messages to a file. |
set_eta_choice [Kinsol] | Specifies the method for computing the value of the eta coefficient used in the calculation of the linear solver convergence tolerance. |
set_explicit [Arkode.ARKStep] | Disables the implicit portion of a problem. |
set_falling [Sundials.Roots] |
set_fixed_step [Arkode.MRIStep] | Disables time step adaptivity and fix the step size for all internal steps. |
set_fixed_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Disables time step adaptivity and fix the step size for all internal steps. |
set_fixed_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Disables time step adaptivity and fix the step size for all internal steps. |
set_fixed_step_bounds [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the step growth interval in which the step size will remain unchanged. |
set_fixed_step_bounds [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the step growth interval in which the step size will remain unchanged. |
set_func_norm_tol [Kinsol] | Specifies the stopping tolerance on the scaled maximum norm. |
set_gs_type [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Sets the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to use. |
set_id [Idas.Adjoint] | Class components of the state vector as either algebraic or differential. |
set_id [Ida] | Class components of the state vector as either algebraic or differential. |
set_imex [Arkode.ARKStep] | Enables both the implicit and explicit portions of a problem. |
set_implicit [Arkode.ARKStep] | Disables the explicit portion of a problem. |
set_increment_factor [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the increment factor ( |
set_increment_factor [Ida.Spils] | Sets the increment factor ( |
set_info_file [Kinsol] | Write informational (non-error) messages to the given file. |
set_info_file [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Sets the output file for informative (non-error) messages. |
set_info_file [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Sets the output file for informative (non-error) messages. |
set_info_handler_fn [Kinsol] | Specifies a custom function for handling informational (non-error) messages. |
set_init_setup [Kinsol] | Specifies that an initial call to the preconditioner setup function should be made (the default). |
set_init_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_init_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_init_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_init_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_init_step [Ida] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_init_step [Cvode] | Specifies the initial step size. |
set_interpolant_degree [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the degree of the polynomial interpolant used for output values and implicit method predictors. |
set_interpolant_degree [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the degree of the polynomial interpolant used for output values and implicit method predictors. |
set_interpolant_degree [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the degree of the polynomial interpolant used for output values and implicit method predictors. |
set_interpolant_type [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the interpolation module used for output value interpolation and implicit method predictors. |
set_interpolant_type [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the interpolation module used for output value interpolation and implicit method predictors. |
set_interpolant_type [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the interpolation module used for output value interpolation and implicit method predictors. |
set_jac_eval_frequency [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the maximum number of time steps to wait before recomputation of the Jacobian or recommendation to update the preconditioner. |
set_jac_eval_frequency [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Sets the maximum number of time steps to wait before recomputation of the Jacobian or recommendation to update the preconditioner. |
set_jac_eval_frequency [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Sets the maximum number of time steps to wait before recomputation of the Jacobian or recommendation to update the preconditioner. |
set_jac_eval_frequency [Cvode.Spils] | Sets the maximum number of time steps to wait before recomputation of the Jacobian or recommendation to update the preconditioner. |
set_jac_times [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Ida.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Kinsol.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_jac_times [Cvode.Spils] | Change the Jacobian-times-vector function. |
set_line_search_ic [Ida] | Enables ( |
set_linear [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is linear. |
set_linear [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is linear. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Ida.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_linear_solution_scaling [Cvode.Spils] | Enables or disables scaling of the linear system solution to account for a change in $\gamma$ in the linear system. |
set_ls_norm_factor [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Ida.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_ls_norm_factor [Cvode.Spils] | Sets the factor for converting from the integrator tolerance (WRMS norm) to the linear solver tolerance (L2 norm). |
set_lsetup_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Specify a linear solver setup callback. |
set_lsetup_frequency [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Specifies the frequency of calls to the linear solver setup routine. |
set_lsetup_frequency [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the frequency of calls to the linear solver setup routine. |
set_lsetup_frequency [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the frequency of calls to the linear solver setup routine. |
set_lsetup_frequency [Cvode.Spils] | Specifies the frequency of calls to the linear solver setup routine. |
set_lsolve_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Specify a linear solver callback with sensitivities. |
set_lsolve_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Specify a linear solver callback. |
set_max_backs_ic [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of linesearch backtracks allowed in any Newton iteration, when solving the initial conditions calculation problem. |
set_max_beta_fails [Kinsol] | Specifies the maximum number of beta-condition failures in the line search algorithm. |
set_max_cfail_growth [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum step size growth factor upon a convergence failure on a stage solve within a step. |
set_max_conv_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted during one step. |
set_max_conv_fails [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted during one step. |
set_max_conv_fails [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted during one step. |
set_max_efail_growth [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum step size growth factor upon multiple successive accuracy-based error failures in the solver. |
set_max_efail_growth [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum step size growth factor upon multiple successive accuracy-based error failures in the solver. |
set_max_err_test_fails [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of error test failures permitted in attempting one step. |
set_max_err_test_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of error test failures permitted in attempting one step. |
set_max_err_test_fails [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of error test failures permitted in attempting one step. |
set_max_err_test_fails [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum number of error test failures permitted in attempting one step. |
set_max_first_growth [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum allowed step size change following the very first integration step. |
set_max_first_growth [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum allowed step size change following the very first integration step. |
set_max_growth [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum growth of the step size between consecutive time steps. |
set_max_growth [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum growth of the step size between consecutive time steps. |
set_max_hnil_warns [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the maximum number of messages warning that |
set_max_hnil_warns [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of messages warning that |
set_max_hnil_warns [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of messages warning that |
set_max_hnil_warns [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum number of messages warning that |
set_max_iters [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Sets the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations. |
set_max_newton_step [Kinsol] | Specifies the maximum allowable scaled length of the Newton step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Idas.Sensitivity] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations for sensitivity variables permitted per step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Sets the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations for sensitivity variables permitted per step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per RK stage at each step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per RK stage at each step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. |
set_max_nonlin_iters [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. |
set_max_num_constr_fails [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of constraint failures in a step before an error is signalled. |
set_max_num_constr_fails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of constraint failures in a step before an error is signalled. |
set_max_num_iters_ic [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of Newton iterations allowed in any one attempt to calculate initial conditions. |
set_max_num_jacs_ic [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of approximate Jacobian or preconditioner evaluations allowed when the Newton iteration appears to be slowly converging. |
set_max_num_proj_fails [Cvode] | Set the maximum number of projection failures in a step attempt before an unrecoverable error is returned. |
set_max_num_steps [Idas.Adjoint] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time. |
set_max_num_steps_ic [Ida] | Specifies the maximum number of steps taken in attempting to reach a given output time in the initial condition calculation. |
set_max_ord [Idas.Adjoint] | Specifies the maximum order of the linear multistep method. |
set_max_ord [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies the maximum order of the linear multistep method. |
set_max_ord [Ida] | Specifies the maximum order of the linear multistep method. |
set_max_ord [Cvode] | Specifies the maximum order of the linear multistep method. |
set_max_restarts [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Sets the number of GMRES restarts to allow. |
set_max_setup_calls [Kinsol] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear iterations between calls to the preconditioner setup function. |
set_max_step [Idas.Adjoint] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_step [Ida] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_step [Cvode] | Specifies an upper bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_max_sub_setup_calls [Kinsol] | Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear iterations between checks by the residual monitoring algorithm. |
set_maxl [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Updates the number of linear solver iterations to allow. |
set_min_eps [Kinsol] | Specifies that the scaled linear residual tolerance (epsilon) is bounded from below. |
set_min_reduction [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the minimum allowed reduction factor in step size between step attempts that result from a temporal error failure in the integration process. |
set_min_reduction [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the minimum allowed reduction factor in step size between step attempts that result from a temporal error failure in the integration process. |
set_min_step [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Specifies a lower bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_min_step [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies a lower bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_min_step [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies a lower bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_min_step [Cvode] | Specifies a lower bound on the magnitude of the step size. |
set_monitor_fn [Cvode] | Specifies a function to be called after the given number of successful steps. |
set_monitor_frequency [Cvode] | Sets the number of successful steps between calls to the monitoring function. |
set_no_inactive_root_warn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Disables issuing a warning if some root function appears to be identically zero at the beginning of the integration. |
set_no_inactive_root_warn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Disables issuing a warning if some root function appears to be identically zero at the beginning of the integration. |
set_no_inactive_root_warn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Disables issuing a warning if some root function appears to be identically zero at the beginning of the integration. |
set_no_inactive_root_warn [Ida] | Disables issuing a warning if some root function appears to be identically zero at the beginning of the integration. |
set_no_inactive_root_warn [Cvode] | Disables issuing a warning if some root function appears to be identically zero at the beginning of the integration. |
set_no_init_setup [Kinsol] | Specifies that an initial call to the preconditioner setup function should not be made. |
set_no_min_eps [Kinsol] | Specifies that the scaled linear residual tolerance (epsilon) is not bounded from below. |
set_no_res_mon [Kinsol] | Disables the nonlinear residual monitoring scheme that controls Jacobian updating. |
set_no_sensitivity [Idas.Adjoint] | Cancels the storage of sensitivity checkpointing data during forward
solution (with |
set_no_sensitivity [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Cancels the storage of sensitivity checkpointing data during forward
solution (with |
set_nonlin_conv_coef [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the safety factor used in the nonlinear convergence test. |
set_nonlin_conv_coef [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the safety factor used in the nonlinear convergence test. |
set_nonlin_conv_coef [Ida] | Specifies the safety factor used in the nonlinear convergence test. |
set_nonlin_conv_coef [Cvode] | Specifies the safety factor used in the nonlinear convergence test. |
set_nonlin_conv_coef_ic [Ida] | Specifies the positive constant in the nonlinear convergence test of the initial condition calculation. |
set_nonlin_crdown [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the constant used in estimating the nonlinear solver convergence rate. |
set_nonlin_crdown [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the constant used in estimating the nonlinear solver convergence rate. |
set_nonlin_rdiv [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the nonlinear correction threshold beyond which the iteration will be declared divergent. |
set_nonlin_rdiv [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the nonlinear correction threshold beyond which the iteration will be declared divergent. |
set_nonlinear [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is nonlinear. |
set_nonlinear [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is nonlinear. |
set_noroot [Sundials.Roots] |
set_optimal_params [Arkode.ARKStep] | Sets all adaptivity and solver parameters to ‘best guess’ values. |
set_ordering [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Superlumt] | Sets the ordering algorithm used to minimize fill-in. |
set_ordering [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct.Klu] | Sets the ordering algorithm used to minimize fill-in. |
set_post_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Set the function called after each inner integration. |
set_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Set a post processing step function. |
set_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Set a post processing step function. |
set_postprocess_step_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Set a post processing step function. |
set_pre_inner_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Set the function called before each inner integration. |
set_prec_type [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Change the preconditioning direction without modifying callback functions. |
set_preconditioner [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions without using forward sensitivities. |
set_preconditioner [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions without using forward sensitivities. |
set_preconditioner [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Ida.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Kinsol.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Cvode.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions. |
set_preconditioner [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Set the linear solver's preconditioner routines. |
set_preconditioner_with_sens [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions using forward sensitivities. |
set_preconditioner_with_sens [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Change the preconditioner functions using forward sensitivities. |
set_predictor_method [Arkode.MRIStep] | Specifies the method for predicting implicit solutions. |
set_predictor_method [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the method for predicting implicit solutions. |
set_print_level [Kinsol] | Sets the level of verbosity of informational messages. |
set_print_level [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Sets the level of output verbosity. |
set_print_level [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Sets the level of output verbosity. |
set_profiler [Sundials.Context] | Sets the profiler associated with a context. |
set_proj_err_est [Cvode] | Enables or disables projection of the error estimate by the projection function. |
set_proj_fail_eta [Cvode] | Sets the time-step reduction factor to apply on a projection function failure. |
set_proj_frequency [Cvode] | Set the frequency with which the projection is performed. |
set_rel_err_func [Kinsol] | Specifies the relative error in computing $F(u)$, which is used in the difference quotient approximation of the Jacobian-vector product. |
set_res_mon [Kinsol] | Enables the nonlinear residual monitoring scheme that controls Jacobian updating. |
set_res_mon_const_value [Kinsol] | Specifies the constant value of omega when using residual monitoring. |
set_res_mon_params [Kinsol] | Specifies the minimum and maximum values in the formula for omega. |
set_res_tolerance [Arkode.ARKStep] | Sets the residual tolerance. |
set_return_newest [Kinsol] | Specifies whether fixed-point iteration should return the newest iteration or the iteration consistent with the last function evaluation. |
set_rising [Sundials.Roots] |
set_root_direction [Arkode.MRIStep] |
set_root_direction [Arkode.ERKStep] |
set_root_direction [Arkode.ARKStep] |
set_root_direction [Ida] |
set_root_direction [Cvode] |
set_row [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set_rowval [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
set_safety_factor [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the safety factor to be applied to the accuracy-based estimated step. |
set_safety_factor [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the safety factor to be applied to the accuracy-based estimated step. |
set_scaled_step_tol [Kinsol] | Specifies the stopping tolerance on the minimum scaled step length, which must be greater than zero. |
set_scaling_vectors [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Sets the linear solver's left/right scaling vectors for use in |
set_small_num_efails [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies the threshold for “multiple” successive error failures
before the factor from |
set_small_num_efails [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies the threshold for “multiple” successive error failures
before the factor from |
set_stab_lim_det [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Indicates whether the BDF stability limit detection algorithm should be used. |
set_stab_lim_det [Cvode] | Indicates whether the BDF stability limit detection algorithm should be used. |
set_stability_fn [Arkode.ERKStep] | Sets a problem-dependent function to estimate a stable time step size for the explicit portion of the ODE system. |
set_stability_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Sets a problem-dependent function to estimate a stable time step size for the explicit portion of the ODE system. |
set_stage_predict_fn [Arkode.MRIStep] | Set the function called after the predictor algorithm and before the calculation of an implicit stage solution. |
set_stage_predict_fn [Arkode.ARKStep] | Set the function called after the predictor algorithm and before the calculation of an implicit stage solution. |
set_step_tolerance_ic [Ida] | Specifies a positive lower bound on the Newton step in the initial condition calculation. |
set_stop_time [Arkode.MRIStep] | Limits the value of the independent variable |
set_stop_time [Arkode.ERKStep] | Limits the value of the independent variable |
set_stop_time [Arkode.ARKStep] | Limits the value of the independent variable |
set_stop_time [Ida] | Limits the value of the independent variable |
set_stop_time [Cvode] | Limits the value of the independent variable |
set_suppress_alg [Idas.Adjoint] | Indicates whether or not to ignore algebraic variables in the local error test. |
set_suppress_alg [Ida] | Indicates whether or not to ignore algebraic variables in the local error test. |
set_sys_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Specify a system function callback with sensitivities. |
set_sys_fn [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Specify a system function callback. |
set_sys_func [Kinsol] | Changes the system function. |
set_table [Arkode.ERKStep] | Specifies a customized Butcher table. |
set_table_num [Arkode.ERKStep] | Use a specific built-in Butcher table for integration. |
set_tables [Arkode.ARKStep] | Specifies a customized Butcher table or pair for the ERK, DIRK, or ARK method. |
set_times [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Change the mass matrix-times-vector function. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Fills the matrix with zeros. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Fills the matrix with zeros. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Fills a matrix with zeros. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Fills a matrix with zeros. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Fills a matrix with zeros. |
set_to_zero [Sundials_Matrix] | Fills a matrix with zeros. |
set_tolerances [Idas.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature variables in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Idas.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature sensitivities in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Idas.Sensitivity] | Specify the integration tolerances for sensitivities. |
set_tolerances [Idas.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature variables in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Cvodes.Adjoint.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature variables in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Cvodes.Adjoint] | Sets the integration tolerances for the backward problem. |
set_tolerances [Cvodes.Sensitivity.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature sensitivities in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Sets the integration tolerances for sensitivities. |
set_tolerances [Cvodes.Quadrature] | Specify how to use quadrature variables in step size control. |
set_tolerances [Arkode.ERKStep] | Sets the integration tolerances. |
set_tolerances [Arkode.ARKStep] | Sets the integration tolerances. |
set_tolerances [Ida] | Set the integration tolerances. |
set_tolerances [Cvode] | Sets the integration tolerances. |
set_zero_guess [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Indicates that the next call to |
setup [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Setup a nonlinear solver for sensitivities with an initial iteration value. |
setup [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Setup a nonlinear solver with an initial iteration value. |
setup [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Instruct the linear solver to prepare to solve using an updated system matrix. |
sformat [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Return the matrix format. |
size [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
size [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
size [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
size [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
size [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
size [Sundials_RealArray2] |
small_real [Sundials_Config] | The smallest value representable as a real. |
solve [Kinsol] | Computes an approximate solution to a nonlinear system. |
solve [Sundials_NonlinearSolver.Sens] | Solves a nonlinear system with sensitivities. |
solve [Sundials_NonlinearSolver] | Solves a nonlinear system. |
solve [Sundials_LinearSolver] | Solve a linear system. |
solve_normal [Ida] | Integrates a DAE system over an interval. |
solve_normal [Cvode] | Integrates an ODE system over an interval. |
solve_one_step [Ida] | Like |
solve_one_step [Cvode] | Like |
solver [Idas.Adjoint.Spils] | Create a Idas-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Idas.Adjoint.Dls] | Create an Idas-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Cvodes.Adjoint.Spils] | Create a Cvodes-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Cvodes.Adjoint.Dls] | Create a Cvodes-specific linear solver from a a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Cvodes.Adjoint.Diag] | A linear solver based on Jacobian approximation by difference quotients. |
solver [Arkode.MRIStep.Spils] | Create an MRIStep-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Arkode.MRIStep.Dls] | Create an MRIStep-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Spils] | Create an Arkode-specific mass linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Mass.Dls] | Create an Arkode-specific mass linear solver from a mass-matrix constructor function and a generic dense linear solver. |
solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Spils] | Create an ARKStep-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Arkode.ARKStep.Dls] | Create an ARKStep-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Ida.Spils] | Create an Ida-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Ida.Dls] | Create an Ida-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Kinsol.Spils] | Create a Kinsol-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Kinsol.Dls] | Create a Kinsol-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and a generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Cvode.Spils] | Create a Cvode-specific linear solver from a generic iterative linear solver. |
solver [Cvode.Dls] | Create a Cvode-specific linear solver from a Jacobian approximation function and generic direct linear solver. |
solver [Cvode.Diag] | A linear solver based on Jacobian approximation by difference quotients. |
space [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Return a coupling table's real and integer workspace sizes. |
space [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
space [Nvector.Ops] |
space [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
space [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
space [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] |
space [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
space [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
space [Sundials_Matrix] |
sparse_csc [Sundials_Matrix] | By default, |
sparse_csr [Sundials_Matrix] | As for |
spbcgs [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Krylov iterative solver using the scaled preconditioned biconjugate stabilized (Bi-CGStab) method. |
spfgmr [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Krylov iterative solver using the scaled preconditioned flexible generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method. |
spgmr [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Krylov iterative solver using the scaled preconditioned generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method. |
sptfqmr [Sundials_LinearSolver.Iterative] | Krylov iterative with the scaled preconditioned transpose-free quasi-minimal residual (SPTFQMR) method. |
stages [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | The number of slow abscissae ($s + 1$ ). |
start [Sundials.Profiler] | Starts timing the region indicated by the given name. |
stderr [Sundials.Logfile] | The stderr file. |
stdout [Sundials.Logfile] | The stdout file. |
sub [Sundials_ROArray] | Create a new immutable array from a slice of an existing one. |
sub [Sundials_RealArray] | Access a sub-array of the given array without copying. |
sundials_version [Sundials_Config] | The |
superlumt [Sundials_LinearSolver.Direct] | Creates a direct linear solver on sparse matrices using SuperLUMT. |
superlumt_enabled [Sundials_Config] | Indicates whether the SuperLU_MT sparse linear solver is available. |
T | |
to_array [Sundials.RootDirs] | Creates a new array from the contents of a given value. |
to_array [Sundials.Roots] | Creates a new array from the contents of a given value. |
to_array [Sundials_ROArray] | Copy an immutable array into a mutable one. |
to_array [Sundials_RealArray] | Copies into a new |
to_float [Ida.VarId] | Map id values to floating-point constants. |
to_float [Sundials.Constraint] | Map constraint values to floating-point constants. |
to_list [Sundials.RootDirs] | Copies into a list. |
to_list [Sundials.Roots] | Copies into a list. |
to_list [Sundials_ROArray] | Copy the elements of an immutable array into a list. |
to_list [Sundials_RealArray] | Copies into a |
toggle_off [Idas.Sensitivity] | Deactivates forward sensitivity calculations without deallocating memory. |
toggle_off [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Deactivates forward sensitivity calculations without deallocating memory. |
turn_off [Cvodes.Sensitivity] | Deactivates forward sensitivity calculations with memory deallocation. |
U | |
unconstrained [Sundials.Constraint] | The constant |
unit_roundoff [Sundials_Config] | The difference bewteen 1.0 and the minimum real greater than 1.0. |
unwrap [Nvector_pthreads.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
RA and an array of reals, otherwise
raises |
unwrap [Nvector_pthreads] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_openmp.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
RA and an array of reals, otherwise
raises |
unwrap [Nvector_openmp] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_mpiplusx.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
MpiPlusX, otherwise raises |
unwrap [Nvector_mpiplusx] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_mpimany.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
MpiMany, otherwise raises |
unwrap [Nvector_mpimany] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_parallel.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
Par and a parallel payload, otherwise
raises |
unwrap [Nvector_parallel] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR] | Returns the array underlying an nvector. |
unwrap [Nvector_many.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
Many, otherwise raises |
unwrap [Nvector_many] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector_serial.Any] | Returns the payload of the generic vector if it was constructed with
RA and an array of reals, otherwise
raises |
unwrap [Nvector_serial] | Aliases |
unwrap [Nvector] |
unwrap [Sundials_LinearSolver.Custom] | Return the internal state from an custom iterative linear solver. |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] | Direct access to the underlying storage array, which is accessed
column first (unlike in |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] | Direct access to the underlying storage array, which is accessed
column first (unlike in |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix.Sparse] | Direct access to the underlying sparse storage arrays. |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix.Band] | Direct access to the underlying storage array, which is accessed
column first (unlike in |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] | Direct access to the underlying storage array, which is accessed
column first (unlike in |
unwrap [Sundials_Matrix] | Direct access to the underlying storage array, which is accessed
column first (unlike in |
unwrap [Sundials_RealArray2] | Returns the |
update [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayBand] |
update [Sundials_Matrix.ArrayDense] |
update [Sundials_Matrix.Band] |
update [Sundials_Matrix.Dense] |
V | |
version [Sundials_Config] | The |
W | |
wl2norm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
wl2norm [Nvector.Ops] |
wrap [Nvector_pthreads.Any] |
wrap [Nvector_pthreads] |
wrap [Nvector_openmp.Any] |
wrap [Nvector_openmp] |
wrap [Nvector_mpiplusx.Any] | Creates a generic nvector from an mpi communicator and a generic nvector. |
wrap [Nvector_mpiplusx] | Creates an mpiplusx nvector from an mpi communicator and a generic nvector. |
wrap [Nvector_mpimany.Any] | Creates a generic nvector from an array of generic nvectors. |
wrap [Nvector_mpimany] | Creates a mpimany-vector nvector from an array of generic nvectors. |
wrap [Nvector_parallel.Any] |
wrap [Nvector_parallel] |
wrap [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR.Any] | Lifts an array to a generic nvector. |
wrap [Nvector_array.ARRAY_NVECTOR] | Lifts an array to an nvector. |
wrap [Nvector_many.Any] | Creates a generic nvector from an array of generic nvectors. |
wrap [Nvector_many] | Creates a many-vector nvector from an array of generic nvectors. |
wrap [Nvector_serial.Any] |
wrap [Nvector_serial] |
wrap [Nvector.NVECTOR] | Wrap data in an nvector. |
wrap [Sundials_RealArray2] | Creates a new matrix from an existing |
wrap_arrayband [Sundials_Matrix] | Creates an (array-based band) matrix by wrapping an existing array-based band matrix. |
wrap_arraydense [Sundials_Matrix] | Creates an (array-based dense) matrix by wrapping an existing array-based dense matrix. |
wrap_band [Sundials_Matrix] | Creates a (band) matrix by wrapping an existing band matrix. |
wrap_custom [Sundials_Matrix] | Wrap a custom matrix value. |
wrap_dense [Sundials_Matrix] | Creates a (dense) matrix by wrapping an existing dense matrix. |
wrap_sparse [Sundials_Matrix] | Creates a (sparse) matrix by wrapping an existing sparse matrix. |
write [Arkode.MRIStep.Coupling] | Write a coupling table on the standard output (or given file). |
write [Arkode.ButcherTable] | Writes a Butcher table on the standard output (or given file). |
write_butcher [Arkode.ERKStep] | Outputs the current butcher table on the standard output (or given file). |
write_butcher [Arkode.ARKStep] | Outputs the current butcher table on the standard output (or given file). |
write_coupling [Arkode.MRIStep] | Output the current coupling table on the standard output (or given file). |
write_parameters [Arkode.MRIStep] | Outputs all the solver parameters on the standard output (or given file). |
write_parameters [Arkode.ERKStep] | Outputs all the solver parameters on the standard output (or given file). |
write_parameters [Arkode.ARKStep] | Outputs all the solver parameters on the standard output (or given file). |
write_session [Arkode.MRIStep] | Summarize the session on the standard output (or given file). |
write_session [Arkode.ERKStep] | Summarize the session on the standard output (or given file). |
write_session [Arkode.ARKStep] | Summarize the session on the standard output (or given file). |
wrmsnorm [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
wrmsnorm [Nvector.Ops] |
wrmsnormmask [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
wrmsnormmask [Nvector.Ops] |
wrmsnormmaskvectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
wrmsnormmaskvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
wrmsnormvectorarray [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS] |
wrmsnormvectorarray [Nvector.Ops] |
wsqrsum [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
wsqrsum [Nvector.Ops.Local] |
wsqrsummask [Nvector.NVECTOR_OPS.Local] |
wsqrsummask [Nvector.Ops.Local] |